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Onto the stark white of snow, they fell - my eyes, my ears, fingers, and teeth. One by one, they splotch the pale canvas with colour as they melt away.

What was now exposed - nerves and muscles, arteries and flesh - quivered from the touch of the winter wind.  And yet I felt nothing. Nothing but a tingling numbness and the vague sensation of the cold.

I did not understand.

I simply did not have the capacity to assess the situation as my skin sloughed off my bones into a sickening slurry. And my bones themselves began to melt away  like ice cubes on a hot summer day.

I was collapsing.

All I knew that the cause was right before my eyes, cloaked in crimson with visage concealed - a towering figure that stood before me.

I didn't fear.

No, I trusted. Call it blind faith if you must. Hell, maybe it was just plain stupidity. But I trusted them - this absolute stranger masked in red. Something about them was just so familiar, like someone I have heard of but only in a tale. And yet at the same time, old friends.

The comfort of a fireplace. The warmth of an extended hand. A caress on a melting cheek.

I sank into slumber on a bed of white.

this is just something based off a dream i had earlier

odd...i have never seen snow irl before. i've always lived in the tropics...

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