Seven Minutes in Heaven

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Y/n's POV
We were all bored. Jungkook was laying on the floor, Taehyung was against the wall, Jin was upside down on the couch, Jimin was on the edge of the couch, Namjoon and Yoongi were sleeping on eachother, And i'm just on the couch chillin watching a drama. I looked at the screen and The guy
was coming closer to the girl and they kissed. I Screamed loud causing Namjoon and Yoongi to wake up screaming after me and the rest of them looking at me.

"Sorry" i whispered and Yoongi
And Namjoon 'Tried' to go back to sleep. "Oh i have an idea" Jungcock said."What" we all said in unison. "How about we play Seven Minutes in heaven" Jungcock Asked. *insert lenny face here*, "NO IM NOT IN THIS SHIT I AM TIRED AS FUCK!!" Namjoon and Yoongi Screamed in Unison and went into their shared room. "Eh forget them they probably went to go make out anyways." Jin playfully teased

"WE HEARD THAT" Namjoon and Yoongi said Causing Everyone to laugh. "Ok so here's the gist of the games whoever the bottle lands on has to go in the closet with someone of my choi-" Jungcock got Cut off. "Why do you have to pick the person?!?" Taehyung questioned. "FIRST OF ALL LET ME FUCKING FINISH, SECOND OF ALL IT'S BECAUSE IM THE ONE WHO HAD THE IDEA TO PLAY THE GAME SO DONT START!!" Jungkook Yelled.

"Ok what i was going to say before i was rudely interrupted *coughs* *Tae*,A person of my choice gets to go in the closet with someone. Got it?",Jungkook asked. We all nodded our heads
"Ok let the fun begin". Jungkook spinned the bottle i was so nervous my hands were sweating. The bottle had stopped spinning and it landed on me. "Well, Well, Well who will i pair you with Y/N" Jungcock asked. He grinned evily "how about hmmm.... Jimin"

My Eyes widened i look at Jimin with the same expression on his face. "Whaaa??" We both said at the same time. "You heard me go in the damn closet" we both nodded and went into the closet. "Your Seven minutes starts...Now"
Jungkook said. I cursed Jungkook for putting me in here i should've never told him i like Jimin. I Stare at the door feeling eyes on me. I turn to his direction and i see he has his eyes glued onto my face.

"Hello Jimin" i said waving my hand in his face. He snapped out of it. "Y/n?.." he started. "Yes Jimin?" I asked him. He sighed "So i have a crush on this girl and shes so beautiful and smart and a really good singer and dancer but i feel like i'm not good enough for her what should i do?"

My heart immediately shattered into pieces, It's hard to know that the person you love, loves somebody else. Did i just confess to myself i love him? Well i sure did. "Well you should tell her that you like her" i say trying to sound hurt. "Ok... Y/N i like you", he said. My eyes widened for the second time. "And i hope you feel the same" he said a little nervous.

"J-Jimin" i stuttered. "Yeah Y/n" he responded. I grabbed his face and i kissed him. It wasn't long after he kissed back. Him wrapping his arms around my waist and me putting my arms around his neck and playing with his hair. I pulled away from the kiss. "Jimin i don't like you" he frowned at my statement. "I love you"

He looked at me smiling with his cute eye smile and said "i love you too" he kissed me again. It was deep and passionate full of love. Then the door opened without me or Jimin noticing as we continued kissing.

We stopped kissing and smiled at eachother and looked to our right seeing all the members including Namjoon and Yoongi *Who were probably making out ಠ_ಠ* had all their jaws dropped. Jungkook wasn't the least bit suprised "FINALLY YOU GUYS KISSED I WAS WAITING FOR THIS TO HAPPEN FOREVER!!" Jungkook complained. "Whatever Jungcock" i said as me and Jimin walk down the stairs hand in hand to continue to play the game. "Namjoon and Yoongi it's fine you too can go back to making out now" Jungkook teased, "I SWEAR TO GOD JUNGCOCK" Namjoon and Yoongi screamed. Then all i see in Jungkook running out the house with Namjoon and Yoongi tailing him. "JISOOS HELP ME!!" Jungkook screamed we all laugh and waited for the three idiots to come back.


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