Love Like This

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Y/n's POV

It was a nice day outside the sun was shining, not a single cloud out in the sky, the weather was just perfect. I smiled sweetly as I thought that this was going to be a sign of a good day, but then I remembered I work at a fucking library. I sighed as I thought about working in my bogus fucking only pays a little ass job.

I jog trying to get to work before my special ed fucking A cup boss gets there, I roll my eyes as I think about her. I finally reach work, I take a deep breathe then walk in with a fake smile.

I hate this fucking job

I walk as the bitch of my job walks in from the break room. Lee Sung-hee, The drama queen she always got what she wanted and it wasn't fair to her or either to rest of her co-workers.

But mostly her though, because she's selfish.

I roll my eyes at Sung-hee as she walks to the librarians' desk, she sits down and hopes the day will go by fast.

30 ᴍɪɴᴜᴛᴇs ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

the bell that signals a customer' here rings

But I didn't bother to raise my head because I thought the person was just going to take a book and leave or just go to the other register.

"Umm miss?" I heard a voice say, I raise my head to see a very handsome young man. He looked almost my age, but he looked very familiar somehow.

I played it cool, "yes sir, what do you need help with?" I replied to him, "I don't need help with anything ma'am, I just wanted to know where you're poetry section is" he replied with a bit of confusion

"Down the hall and to the left sir" I directed him to what he was looking for, he briskly walked to where he needed to be. I looked at him for a long time but stopped because he would've thought that I was a creep.

He walked back to the front desk, my front desk. "Here you go ma'am." he said as he handed me the book.

I smiled sweetly and glanced at the book, I smiled even bigger. He wanted to read "A beach on a summer night", "Is there a problem miss?" he questioned

"No, not at all it's just that this book brings back memories of my favorite things in life, and what made me as a result of a person today" I blabbed about. I stopped myself from saying another word.

"I'm so sorry sir, I didn't mean to say all of that, you are probably in a rush anyways" I bowed and apologized to the man

"Miss it's okay, I thought the same thing. In my childhood, I used to read this book with a girl who I was in love with at the time, and probably still I am but she is nowhere to be found" he said saddened by the fact the girl he loved was lost and long gone.

I was intrigued I wanted to know if he knew the girl's name, I wasn't being nosy, I was just curious.

"Do you remember her name, sir?" I questioned. "Ah~ yes I do" he sang. Her name was Y/N" he said slowly trying to recover her name from his past memories.

Then it hit me, that's why he looked so familiar. He was Kim Taehyung, my best friend from middle school.

"Taehyung oppa?" I questioned, He looked at me with wide eyes, and smiled very brightly. I ran out of my desk and hugged him tightly savoring the fact that the person I was looking for a long time was right in front of me.

We pulled away from the hug, we stared into each other's eyes, we both leaned in and kissed. His lips were soft, and it was so soft and gentle, it felt like all my worries dropped and were gone.

It was true, I did still have feelings for Kim Taehyung.

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