Chapter 4: the ghost of Christmas future

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Arthur did not get up instead he stayed kneeled gripped with fear knowing already who was under the cloak.

"A-Alfred you're the g-ghost of Christmas future" he stammered. Looking into the glowing blue eyes of his eldest son, his face shadowed by the hood, the cloak hiding his body, his cowlick was the only thing that refused to stay under the cloak.

"Aw damn. How did you know?" Alfred said a little disappointed. Arthur almost wanted to laugh remembering the excitement Alfred got when he managed to "scare" Arthur. But his life was on line so he didn't.

"Your father and little brother were here earlier"

"Oh yeah... totally forgot about that." Alfred grinned.

"A-Al be a dear, and show me what you need to."

"Oh yeah I was here to do that to. Well let's go then" he roughly grabbed Arthur's arm and pulled him to a building where a group of men were discussing the death of a rich man.

"I'm the bank owner I should get the money!" Vash growled.

"The hell you will! I'm Family I should get it" Gilbert snapped.

"You'll be dead soon enough" Vash snapped back.

"HOW DARE YOU!!!" Gilbert bellowed

Arthur gulped nervously he looked over and Alfred was floating next him. Alfred grabbed Arthur again and pulled him to the next scene. To a home of a husband and wife celebrating with wine the death of the man to which they owed money. Alfred took Arthur to a small pawn shop where the man inside were selling the stolen items of a deceased rich man. Then he took him to the Oxenstierna house were we was greeted with a gut wrenching scene.

Berwald who was crying silently was holding the sobbing Tino in his arms in the small living room on an old beaten couch.

"He was so happy! And he's gone my baby boy is gone." Tino hiccupped as he sobbed harder. Erland was staring blankly at a wall in the kitchen tears dribbling down his face. The cloaked ghost took Arthur to a street in front of an old bar. Michaela was leaning against Lukas crying and hiccupping drunkenly as he took her out of a bar. Lukas looked miserable himself. Arthur realised the man blamed himself for the family's loss. Arthur's heart was torn to shreds. This was his fault! All of it! Tears threatened spill from his eyes. "Who is it he whispered tell me!" he begged

Alfred sighed shaking his head sadly. "Just sad isn't it?" Arthur said nothing. Alfred grabbed Arthur once more and took him to a graveyard. In front of a freshly dug grave. "The answer should be obvious." Alfred said. Arthur looked at the headstone in large letters was; Arthur Kirkland.

"No. No! NO! Alfred please! LET ME FIX THIS! I CAN CHANGE! TAKE ME BACK! I BEG OF YOU!!!" Arthur fell to his knees once more grabbing onto Alfred's cloak. "Have peace and kindness in your heart dad" Alfred vanished and Arthur was back in his bed.


"Alfred I thought we agreed you'd give him the silent treatment"

"I'm sorry Matt!"

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