chapter 5: restarting

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Arthur looked around, light pouring in through the crack in his curtain. He leapt out of bed and raced to his window. Throwing open the curtains. It was Christmas morning. Arthur cried out with joy, he had a second chance!

"MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!" He cheered. He changed as fast as he could. He danced when he shaved. He barely had his jacket on before racing outside in the street stopping a boy who was biking.

"You there!" Arthur called the boy yelped and stopped the bike. He handed the boy a bag of a money. "Take this and buy the biggest turkey they have and take it to the house of Berwald Oxenstierna. There should be enough left over for you to have for yourself and get anything you've ever wanted. Merry Christmas!" Arthur called sprinting off to find Lukas. He found him sitting in a booth on the side walk with a bucket of a disappointing amount of money. He placed a large bag of money on the table.

"I am so sorry for my attitude yesterday take this I'll send some more later and god bless you! Merry Christmas!" Arthur said quickly before running off again. He rushed to his office gabbing the invitation off his desk and rushes over to the nearest horse stable and rents a pretty little mare and gives kiss an a kick with his heals and the horse gallops off to Gilberts party. The guests could barely handle the shock seeing Arthur so lively and cheerful. But the party was a blast.

And then the next morning when Berwald showed up the next morning eighteen minutes late Arthur began feign his disgust.

"I told you 6 o'clock sharp! You know what I told you would happen..." Berwald put his head down sadly. "Well forget it! Go home spend some more time with your family! I'll send some money over. Actually hold on stay right there." He rushed over the bank and took out a massive amount of money. Three large bags of it and returned to his office Berwald who standing still in shock. He handed the money over.

"Take this for now THEN I'll send more over." Arthur said with a smile. Berwald felt his eyes water. He swiftly walked up to Arthur and leaned down a little hugging him tightly.

"Thank you. Thank you" he sobbed. "What changed?!" he asked

"Sometimes you need a good scare" Arthur replied simply.

From that day forward Arthur was welcome to the Oxenstierna family. The house was fixed, furniture was replaced but most importantly little Peter was better. Arthur had become like grandfather to Peter...

And one day he told me this story." Peter said to his three children. "The people in the town could never understand what had changed in the old man. He just brushed them off. But was the most Christmas spirited man I knew." He said.

"Father what happened to mister Kirkland?" his daughter asked.

"The man lived a peaceful and happy life before passing away of old age" Peter replied.

"I wish I could have met him" his youngest son said.

"I met him" the eldest boy said who was 15 years old. "He gave me that set of wooden toy soldiers."

"That's enough talking. Get to bed or Santa won't come" Peter said.

"NOOOO!!!" wailed the younger two rushing upstairs. Peter chuckled.

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