🌸~Chapter One~🌸

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In my world, there's no such thing as unrequited love. Not normally anyways.

In my world, people are allowed to be gay and bisexual and transgender and every other thing in between.

In my world, everyone is accepted.

If you love somebody, they love you back, automatically. If you catch feelings for someone, you tell them and they give you a chance. After that, your body and heart twist due to compatibility. If it's meant to be, then your hearts twist into one, you become soulmates. If it's not, then you're pushed apart by the unknown forces of life.

This is how it works in my world, and I hate it.

According to every person I've met, what I'm feeling lately is love. Love for my totally straight best friend Jungkook.

Why don't I just tell him to see if the world blesses me?

Because he has a girlfriend. A girlfriend who he's totally compatible with. A girlfriend who he's head over heels for. A girlfriend named Lee Jieun. A girlfriend who I hate.

And why don't I just tell him?

Because I'm the type of person who wants what's best for others. Jieun, or IU as everyone seems to call her, makes Jungkook happy. She makes him smile and makes him laugh. So as long as she's good for him, she's good for me.

But in honesty, all this did was hurt me in the long run.

The dreams started off as just that, dreams. Over time, the dreams became real life.

It was a horrifying and incredibly painful experience, coughing up flower petals.

And because of those flower petals, I'm where I am now.

Living in hell.



D E A T H.

but of course i'm only kidding.

You didn't think I was actually dead, did you? How could I have an internal monologue if I was DEAD?

Instead of being dead, where i'd like to be, i'm stuck passed out on my bathroom floor.

Why am I passed out on my bathroom floor?

Because I was previously puking up bloody flower petals into my toilet.

But now i'm getting too far into the story. Let's take it back a little.

Two Weeks Prior

I jerked up in a cold sweat that morning. I had just woken up from one of the most horrific nightmares I think I'd ever had.

It... It was terrible.

I was in a large, white pool. I couldn't touch the bottom. I was struggling to swim. Surrounding me were colorful, fruity smelling chunks. All of the sudden a shadow was towering over me. I looked up. Standing above me was my bestfriend Jungkook, with a giant spoon! He was trying to eat me! He thought I was a piece of cereal! I began struggling to get away but within seconds I was scooped into the spoon. Closer to his gaping mouth I went. His teeth would crush me within seconds!

I had always imagined Jungkook eating me in my more heated dreams.... but never like this!

There was even background music, except it wasn't scary? I could faintly hear the sound of my other friend Jimin singing to me?

Lungs Full of Flowers ; k.th & j.jkWhere stories live. Discover now