🌸~Chapter Two~🌸

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The situation in the courtyard was a mess, just like me. I felt humiliated and my cheek still stung from the contact of Jungkook's hand.

After I had worked to calm Jimin down, he ushered me into a nearby bathroom, helping me settle onto the counter. Our first lecture didn't start for another fifteen minutes. The red-haired boy in front of me quickly began getting paper towels to wet them with cold water. He placed the bundle of wet paper against my cheek. The pressure against my cheek hurt, but it soothed the painful burning.

The second thing he did was slide his sleeves over his hands to wipe my eyes.

"Jimin... Quit it. You'll get your sleeves all wet and gross," I complained, trying to swat his hands away. My voice was dull and scratchy, it didn't sound like me at all.

"So what, Tae? I hate seeing your face all tear-stained, it hurts me too y'know," Jimin replied, stubborn and persistent as he continued to wipe the water from my cheeks.

"Just use a paper towel then," I shot back at him, before finally drawing my face away.

The red-head frowned at me before speaking once more, "No. The paper is rough and will scratch your skin."

I rolled my eyes before sliding off of the counter. I discarded the wet paper towel and began walking towards the door to leave.

"Hey! Wait for me!" Jimin screeched, grabbing his bag and running out the door behind me. I felt a slight smile form on my face. Jimin was always good at making me happy, even when he wasn't trying.

We entered our first lecture room seven minutes before class started. The rest of our friends were already there.

Me and my friends had all decided to sign up for the same exact class for the beginning of the day. We had to fill in an extra credit in order to graduate, so we ended up choosing a life skills class.

Jimin and I made our way over to the far side of the room. There sat two of our closest friends, Yoongi and Hoseok. Jungkook and IU happened to be in this class too, as they were our "friends". I didn't happen to see them anywhere in the room though, which I was grateful for.

"Hey, guys! What's up?" Hoseok questioned, overflowing with energy even though it was early in the morning.

"Not much," I replied, trying to seem happy. By putting on a mask, my friends wouldn't be concerned and everything would be good. Jimin just had to ruin it though.

"What do you mean, "not much"? We were just in the bathroom while you were crying because Jungkook slapped you!" Jimin exclaimed, anger flaring once more.

I watched as Hoseok's face turned pale and Yoongi's did the exact opposite, flushing with anger.

"HE DID WHAT??" Yoongi screamed loudly, his voice echoing throughout the room. The few students in the classroom turned to look, faces fearful and confused. Almost as if he knew what was happening, Jungkook walked in the room with IU curled around his side. He was laughing at something and I couldn't help but turn away. How could he be so happy after what had happened?

"JEON JUNGKOOK! YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Yoongi was still screaming as he pounded his way over to Jungkook. It was a rather interesting sight. Yoongi, both shorter and less buff, standing up to Jungkook, A.K.A Mr. Muscles.

Jungkook looked surprised as he stared at Yoongi.

"Hey man... What's up?" Jungkook asked slowly, taking a step back from the nearly flaming Yoongi.

"What's up? WHAT'S UP?? YOU SMACKED YOUR BEST FRIEND, THAT'S WHAT'S UP!" Yoongi's voice sounded like an atomic bomb going off at this point. If it was humanly possible, I'm sure he would've exploded. Jungkook's face quickly twisted from confusion into disgust.

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