F i f t y T w o ( Part - III)

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They say she shouldn't sing.
But then she got him.
He will make her sing.
I know, she will keep making melodies for him.

She says to herself, "I aint the best, but I'm definitely not the worst."
But then she thinks of giving up.
She starts losing her voice in the foggy air of hate.
The screams in her head getting louder and louder and louder.
That's when she loses it all.
The tears pour out, she shatters into sharp pieces.
She falls, blood all around.
She feels the cold floor.
No one's on her side.
Hazy world, gloomy life.
Finally, her eyes close.
She cannot take it anymore.

She feels warm, she feels loved when finally he comes, back to save her again.
His lips close to her ears, breaths mixed, hearts attached, his voice whispers- " My songs say it all, don't you understand? Don't you know, to me you're the best. Don't need you to cry in front of the mirror. Don't want you to feel like you're not good enough. You voice is my favourite sound. And your voice, it itself is a feeling, an emotion, a melody, the kind of harmony that soothes every heart, it can calm the strongest of storms that rage within me. I love you. Don't you ever think of giving up on our song. Keep singing, OUR SONG."

He slowly fixes all her broken pieces. Gets hurt with the sharp edges of her heart. But his blood stains her heart. His name is engraved on her heart. He is deep within her soul. She is always in his arms. He is always holding her. Keeping her from falling apart.

I know he will steady her hand when she is loosing her grip.
At the end of the day, he will get back to her. In the dark, he will be her light. In the light when she cannot see, he will guide her home.

And I? I will paint memories of how they become one through the colours of two different songs.

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