War Between Zombies and Humans

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Rex wake up I heard someone said
it was abby.Man I... what happened I asked
You black out she said
I looked around
Hey where everyone I asked
Oh they're training she said
Oh that good I said
Rex...what were you dreaming about
I was dreaming about my past again
I said
what do you mean again she asked
I've that a dream for some time now and every time I hear a voice that little did I know that she was chosen by other white dragon of legend I said
really she said
yeah but I'm not sure I said
just then a boy came in blood on his arm
Rex the sickos they're here he said
what! I said and with that I got up and ran outside
Oh my god there's too many of them I said
Rex we can't fight off this many sickos she said
Titan!!! I yelled
Rex this too many and Saint George
leading them, Titan said
Man then I got one thing to do I said
DRAGON STRIKER!!! Well that take care of some of the sickos now for the rest I said
well that might have been over kill rex, Abby said
well I don't know whats overkill is I said
Now do deal with more important matters

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