Chapter One- The story

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Chapter One- The Story

"He has failed me... It is time I took this into my own hands..."

Long ago, lived two races. Humans, And monsters. These two races once lived in peace together, but the humans began to resent the monsters presence, and a war broke out. With the advancements in weapons and magic, humans won this war. The remaining monsters where sealed deep below ground with a powerful magic, and with seven human souls, they could break this curse. Sense that time, souls have indeed fallen underground. Six of those souls where harvested and absorbed by the king of the monsters, whom wanted to free his kingdom so badly. But the seventh, was different. When they arrived, they did not hurt a soul, they would not kill, they would not even scratch a monster. This child had faced many challenges, Ferocious monsters, Nerds, and puzzles, they always walked with triumph.

Their name, was Frisk. They made friends along their journey, and up until the final fight with the mastermind of genocide, the one who had manipulated the world to his bidding... But frisk emerged victorious after the ferocious battle of genocide versus pacifist. After that, monsters saw the light of day again, and made peace with humans, but most did not accept them. Now this story takes place 15 years later, you might wonder what is so special about this time, but this is where the story of Monsters and Humans reaches its climax.

Today was a warm January Saturday in the city.  We follow the life of John Grayson, the nerd with the good grades and talent with video games. He was always picked on at school for being so, as they call him, "Weak." Though his friends defend him, because he is known to be a sensitive pacifist. John had a big heart for his friends and family, and a wonderful personality that is overlooked mainly because of his odd looks. John had many freckles scattered about his face, and he had long, brown hair that was usually left down. He usually had a smile on his face despite what anyone would say to him. Today he was in his living room, watching some TV, as his mother walked in from the kitchen. The family of three lived in a apartment within a large building, it was the best place they could really get with enough room for them.
"John," his mother called, as the eighteen year old shot up to see what his mother needed, "Yeah Mom?" He said back to her, with a young voice, he sounded like he wasn't eighteen at all. "Have you heard the news? There's a murderer on the loose, news says it's some kind of monster, his last kill was in the area..." she said worriedly, as she crossed her arms, almost as a defense. "Really?" John replied with question in his voice, he accepted monsters, even hung four with them occasionally, rather than his parents who rather have the monsters sealed back underground. "Yes, I'm worried, so I want to give you this.." she said, as behind her she pulled out a baseball bat, "I don't want you around sharp knifes or guns, so I got you this to defend yourself." She said, struggling to smile at her son as he examined the bat carefully. "T-thanks Mom, I like it..." he said, almost disappointed in his weapon, then again happy it was not something drastic. He could easily store the bat, because he knew he was not going to use it. He clutched the bat tightly, as he was about to head to his room to stuff it somewhere, his mother had made him go out and get some fresh air.

John made it to the outskirts of the city, where a massive forest of oak trees stood. He aimlessly walked around, the bat over his shoulder as he clutched the handle with his right hand. He inhaled deeply, taking in the fresh air around him, as his gaze studied everything around him. The wind softly blew a cool breeze, his hair swaying in the wind as he exhaled his pent up air. He soon found a strange formation of rocks, that created a cave-like entrance, this seemed familiar to him, as he walked to the entrance, where there was a massive hole to greet him. He knelt down, as he looked down, silently muttering to himself, "What a hole-" he gasped as he felt something kick his back, where he tumbled forward, he let out a scream of terror as he fell.

John gasped for air, as he slowly opened his eyes, only to be faced with a blinding light, as he was laid on his hurting back. He peered on the corner of his eye to see him laying in a bed of yellow flowers. He slowly sat up, grunting softly in pain as he looked around at the darkness that surrounded him. Out of the darkness came a voice, "Well, well, well... A human..." the voice echoed as Johns gaze fixed on a faint figure that stood in the shadow.

"Welcome underground..."

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