Chapter 2- The Underground

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John awoke with a sudden gasp. He slowly opened his eyes to see his surroundings, as he was facing a bright light from where he had fallen. He grunted softly, inhaling sharply as he sat up, his spine aching as his bat was lying beside him in the bed of yellow flowers that broke his fall. He gazed around, he was surrounded by shadow, all he could wonder was.. where was he? Why is this place to  familiar to him? He slowly got up, as he picked up his bat. He slowly turned to see a faint red glow admitting from the shadow. He gasped slightly, backing away in fear as he clutched his bat tightly, ready to attack. A deep, sinister voice rang through the silence, "Well, well, well... a human boy..." the voice rang, as the figure slowly approached the light, "Welcome to the underground~" the voice hummed, as john stepped backward. "W-what? W-who do you think you are...?!" He said fearfully, yet he attempted to hide his fear with confidence, and swagger. "The name is Methuselah... I'm here to welcome you to the underground, human. Teach you the rules of the game we play.." he said, as the figured stopped at the edge of the light. "R-rules?! R-rules don't apply for me- I'm to good for em'!" He said shakily, as he shook slightly in fear. The figure let out a chuckle, eyeing his body language, his fear. "Now now.. don't be like that... there's only one rule to know my friend- Kill.. or be killed..." he let out another chuckle as Johns eyes widened slightly, who was this guy? Where was he?! "What?! I'm not killing anyone! That's murder!" He said, his breathing beginning to shake, was this guy going to kill him?! "There's no 'Murder' here, human... you have every right to kill, burn, it's something you need to survive..." the figure snapped, laughing as John felt like he was about to faint- this was too much!

Then, the figure stopped, looking away as distant footsteps where heard, "Heed my words human~ I am not to be mentioned, or your stay here will be short lived..." they said, as they seemed to disappear into the shadow, the faint glow of red disappearing. He let out a sigh of relief as turned to see a person leaning against a pillar that was stationed in front of a corridor, they didn't seem to have witnessed what just happened, but John did not notice them till now. As he saw them, he let out a tiny shriek of terror, he was still shaken from the previous encounter. "Oh~ how manly.." the person said, they had short hair, and a blank expression that showed no emotion, they wore dark brown jeans, and wore a striped shirt. Their words came out extremely sarcastic, as they then continued, "So, why are you here, guy? To murder everyone?" They said bluntly. John couldn't help but cock his head to the side ever so slightly, as he studied the person, contemplating on what gander they where. But as they gave him attitude, he snapped at her, "The name is John Grayson, for your information!" He said sternly to the person, as she rolled he eyes at his attempted struggle for power in this conversation. "Whatever.." the person replied, then glaring at him, "So, answer my question, Grayson." They said, eyeing the baseball bat that he clenched tightly in his fist. "I-I just fell down here, I didn't come for anything. This is just a mistake!" He said, as the person scoffed, "Whatever..." they said, turning and walking away, not caring about what happened to him, but he ran over to them, following, "H-hey wait! At least tell me your name!" He said, as they peered over at him in the corner of their eye, "Frisk, now stop following me.." they snapped, John ignoring the last part. "Okay Frisk, I said I'm lost-  I have no idea where I am, some weird guy threatened to kill me! so I beg you at least-" he was cut off with frisk stopping, and swiftly whirling around and grabbing his shirt collar.

"What weird guy? Who was it?!" She yelled, shaking him slightly as john winced, "T-They told me not to mention them- I think their name was Methuselah!" He admitted out of pure fear, as Frisks eyes widened, as they grabbed his hand, quickly running with him falling behind them, "H-hey! What's wrong?!" He yelled, as he tried to keep up with the person.
"We have to get you to alphys- you have to tell her about what you saw..." she said, as they disappeared into the ruins.

"I warned him~"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2018 ⏰

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