chapter one

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~Troye's P.O.V~

I looked down at my mocha and giggled. Tyler just told a funny joke. I loved Tyler, he is beautiful but he doesnt know it. i was lost in thought thinking about tylers kindness when he asked me what was wrong. "oh nothing, Tilly, im feeling amazing!" I said with a big smile. Tyler smiled back at me and his radiant white teeth flashed in the light. i giggled, he knows how to bring the gay out of a man. "so how do you want a bon bon?" a bon bon for a sweet baby is the idea! Tyler reached for a bon bon at the same time I did and our fingers fumbled and tackled each other. We giggled and grasped eachother's hands. "i like a bon bon real good." Tyler said. 

~Tyler P.O.V~

Troye looked like a gorgeous angel with the sunlight shining off of his hair. That sweater he was wearing hugged his curves and showed his tight little waist. Like a darling, he giggled and asked me if I wanted a bon bon. We grasped hands and i told him that I like a bon bon real good. I needed to take this "relationship" to the next level. I couldn't stand not being close to my baby all the time. I just wanted to always be pressed up against him and whispering in his ear how much I love him. just then a man walked up to us and he told us he was the manager. he said "sir, maam..sir.. im sorry but we have to ask you two to leave".  "WHY??!" i asked.The man shook his head and sighed. "your flirty behavior is scaring the children. please go now." he said and pushed us out the door. I was furious! I kicked over a trash can and flipped over a outdoor table. Troye grabbed my arm and clung to me. "please stop Tyler, you're going to get in trouble!" Troye's voice immediately made me stop. he is the only one who has the power to calm me so easily. My badboy behavior is very crazy sometimes and Troye is the only person who can control me. "thank you tilly, I couldn't stand if you went to jail and i couldn't see you." Troye said and his lower lip stuck out. I wanted to make him feel better, it was my fault he was upset. I leaned down and kissed him on his pouted lips. He sighed and smiled after the kiss. he took my hand, stood on tip toes, and kissed my cheek. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2014 ⏰

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