Chapter Three

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( I made this one long for you guys!)

-3rd person P.O.V

*The next day at Nash's house*

The sun was shining in on the pale boys face. He slowly opened his eyes yawning and fumbling around for his phone.

"shit it's already 3" he muttered climbing of bed and making his way drowsely to his closet. He pulled out a white t shirt and some black skinny jeans. A few minutes later after slipping on the clothes he had selected he headed downstairs.

"Mooom, what's for breakfast?" he asked plopping down on the couch in the living room and closing his eyes trying to soak in the last few seconds of sleep he could.

"mom?" he questioned. Then he realized that it wasn't morning anymore. His mom was most likely at work and it is definetaly not breakfast time. He thought about calling Cameron to see if he wanted to go out to get a bite to eat but after remembering the events of last night he decided against it. He stood up and went into the kitchen grumbling incoherent things about his alarm not going off and there being no food in the house.

After he finished his bowl of cereal he grabbed his phone and headed out the door. He planned on riding his skateboard down to the coffee shop that had just been built down the street a little ways. He needed abut of a pick-me-up.

He went up to the enterance examining the outside of the place. It was very quite looking. Sort of like a place that you would go on rainy days to escape the stress of everything. It had a double door that was wood and the windows were draped with what looked like curtains covered with tiny mugs of coffee.

When he entered a little bell that was hanging above the doorway rang and a woman's voice called from the back saying she would be right there. He went up to the counter and waited patiently, examining the menu trying to figure out what looked good. He decided to get a plain coffee with cinnamon.

The lady from the back walked up and it took him a moment to recompose himself. She was beautiful. She had long brunett hair that was wavy and she had pale green eyes. She also had a beautiful smile.

"hello! How may I help you?" she asked cheerfully

"uh I um can I have a coffee with umm the spice thing um..." he said fumbling over his words.

"cinnamon?" she asked laughing.

"uh yea that." he said smiling lightly.

She returned a few minutes later with a tall coffee. She handed it to him. Before he could say anything she announced that it was on the house for new customers. He smiled and thanked her, then he left. He took a sip of his coffee he then looked at the label. In black sharpie right below the label was her name and number and under that she said to text her sometime. He smiled and called the first person he would call if he ever got a hot girls number. Cameron.

~okay so idk if this better than the last chapter or..? I switched it up a little bit(: I hope y'all like itttt

P.s. I know it probably doesn't seem like much to you guys but I already have 78 reads!!!! Thank you guys so much!! (:

Xoxo em

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