Chapter Twenty One

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[ 3rd Person POV, 6 months later]

Today was the day that Cameron and Nash planned on coming out to the other boys and the fans. They were both sitting in Nash's room contemplating how they were going to break it to them easily and have them believe it.

"Why not make a video after we tell the boys?"  Cameron said nervously.

The truth is they were both beyond nervous. If this went wrong they could lose so much. If the fans weren't excepting of it then their careers would be in the trash. If their friends weren't excepting of them they would be heartbroken. They would lose the friends they've had for years.

"We can send the boys out a group text?" Nash suggested

"Okay I'll type it up and send it after you approve" Cameron replied quietly.

text: ' Hi guys, Nash and I just had a little announcment to make to y'all. For the past few months we've been.. dating. We really love each other and it would mean a lot if you guys supported us. I'm sorry we didn't tell you earlier we just needed the time to think it all over. love you guys. xx Nash and Cam'

"Is that good?" Cameron asked handing his phone over to nash who quickly scanned over it.

"looks good.."

After a few seconds cameron hesitantly pressed send.

A few minutes later the replies started pouring in. There were a few i knew it 's several i still love yall's and there were a couple of people who said they were gross. The last people were blocked and sadly forgotten.

"One down, one to go" Nash smiled weakly.

They started the camera recording.

"Hi guys, I'm Cameron Dallas here with Nash Grier." Cameron started.

"We have some important things to tell y'all." Nash continued.

"We're dating." Cameron said, adding no cushion to the statement.

"We've been dating for the last few months actually. I'm sorry we didn't come out sooner but this is really hard on us. This video could make us or break us. I really do hope that yall support us." Nash started out confidently but ended in a whimper.

"We love you guys no matter what and we will still make the same kind of videos and everything. Nothing will change, except our relationship status." Cameron smiled, lightly chuckling at his joke.

"We love you guys so so sooo much! Thank you for everything! oh god this is starting to sound like we're quitting or something.. WHICH WE AREN'T!!! we would never stop doing this we love what we do and the fans and everything about our lives and we really do you hope you except this because i really like cameron and i don't know what id do if yall did like that i was dating him because i do value your opinion but i also love cam--"

Cameron cut off Nash's rant by kissing him lightly on the lips.

"shh, calm down." he laughed, pecking nash on the cheek. Nash's cheeks flushed and he just sat quietly smiling really big.

"anyway we're sorry for taking up so much of your time, we love you! bye!"

The boys edited and posted the video, waiting about 30 minutes before they looked through the comments.



" fags."


" im really proud of yall for doin this (: congrats !"

over all the good out weighed the bad and both boys let out a sigh of relief.

Cameron startedsmiling and laughing lightly at a few of the comments and Nash began watching cameron intently. He was so gorgeous, he was funny and talented and he was Nash's boyfriend, that made nash smile aswell.

"I love you so much." Nash said.

Cameron turned his head and looked at the younger boy.

" I love you too."

Both boys leaned in, attaching their lips. The kiss was gentle and sweet but it held all the feelings that the boys had pent up all these years. Nash's hands ran through Cam's hair and camerons found their way to Nash's waist. They continued kissng like this for several minutes before the pulled away, breathing slow and deeply. They both laid down on the bed, cuddled in eachothers arms.

"I'm glad I found you, Nash." Cameron stated, kissing Nash on the forehead.

"I'm glad you found me aswell." Nash sighed, snuggling further into Camerons arms, feeling overwhelmingly happy.

                                                                                 the end.

- wow. that's it. I really hope you guys like the ending. i really feel like c rying, cant believe its over. I love you all so much, you have acttually made this book a success! I'm going to be going over the earlier chapters and editing them and fixing everything later. (: thank yall for everything, honestly. Its been great! If y'all like this I'm going to be making other stories aswell so if you wanna follow me itd be greatly appreciated!! :-*

xoxo em

p.s im actually crying right now its over :[

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