Conversations with Briar

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Apple White's POV

I ran out of Darling's room with my cheeks burning. I couldn't stop a nervous breath that tumbled out of my mouth as I ran down the stairs. I didn't even care that I was still in my pajamas.

Were we... were we about to—to kiss?

Of course not! No, that was ridiculous. Darling was just a friend, and a girl. And my story, my future; it called for a prince. Of course we weren't about to kiss.

And yet, I couldn't seem to get the image out of my head. Darling's face right up to mine, her blue eyes endlessly looking into my own. She-she was leaning in a little. And she smelled like pine. And I had looked at her lips for a second, and they looked soft. And-what!?

I felt my face burning and hurried to my dorm. Never in my life had I ever felt anything like this before. Not even with... with Daring.

My heart dropped when I thought about Daring.

Daring was awesome. He was funny and truly kind, and he hid it all behind this persona of being an egotistical jerk, just to fit in. I loved him, but I'd never felt anything like what I just felt for Darling a minute ago. Was I not attracted to Daring?!

I tried to picture Daring, his lovely cheek bones and big blue eyes, sandy blond hair and blinding smile. I thought about kissing him, running my hands through his hair. Ew. I kind of hated that.

I couldn't think about this anymore. I ran to my room and buried myself under my covers.

"Apple? Are you there?" I could tell it was Briar, from the sound of her voice and the pop music that blared from her speaker.

"Go away.." I mumbled. "I'm having a crisis!" I felt Briar sit on the bed, and suddenly the covers were ripped off my head. I looked up to see Briar smiling widely at me. Her hair was in her signature brown waves with pink streaks, and she was wearing the coolest dress. I almost told her that, before I remembered I was in a crisis.

"Apple, babe, I was totally going to ask you to come clothes shopping with me today, but it's not important anymore. I'm awesome in a crisis. You should probably talk to me, seeing as I'm also your best friend and all." I opened my mouth to tell her to go away, that I couldn't explain. But then I remembered Briar was one of the most accepting people I knew. And she could keep secrets like no one else. And if there was anyone I should talk to, it was her.

I sat up on the bed and tried to fix my hair. " know how important destiny is to me."

Briar sighed and smiled. "Yeah I know."

I looked down and bit my lip. "I love Daring. I love my kingdom. It should all work out..."

"But.." Briar finished for me. "Something's in the way, right?"

"I don't know if... if I...I don't... um, I'm not into Daring!" I blurted out. Briar only smiled, motioning me to continue. "Maybe, maybe I'm feeling things for someone else. Someone who definitely goes against my destiny."

Briar nodded. "You know Apple, I love you and endless amount. You're an amazing friend and you're going to be a great leader. But I've always thought that you put way to much pressure on your destiny. I don't think it's your fault, your mom's kinda nuts. But no one is ever really happy with a life chosen for them by someone else right?"

I looked at Briar, and she seemed sad. "Briar, are you unhappy with your destiny?"

She looked away from me and fiddled with her hands. "I didn't know how to tell you. My destiny tells me to sleep for a century, only to be woken by some random prince who likes me only because I'm hot. My friends will all be—dead. That doesn't sound like destiny to me. It's kinda sounds like torture. I was going to become a rebel. I just didn't want to loose you as a friend."

I leaned into her side and wrapped my arms around her. "You'll always be my friend. No matter what you do. I swear. And... it's not like I can judge you. This person I might like, it's like throwing my destiny into the trash."

Briar raised an eyebrow suspiciously. "You know Apple.. I'm definitely just telling you this for the sake of a fun story, but I made out with Lizzie a couple times in freshman year."

My eyes almost shot out of my head. ", you never told me you liked girls!" Briar laughed.

"I dont have a preference. A fair amount of people in Ever After High aren't completely straight Apple. Most are just really good at hiding it. My point being, if this "person" is maybe a girl, that's okay."

I nodded my head and smiled. "Okay then I think it's time for me to grow a pair and accept myself. I like Darling Charming."

Briar squealed and clapped her hands. "Hell yeah girl, say it again!!"

I stood up and planted my hands on my hips, looking in the mirror and saying loudly."I, Apple White, have a crush on Darling Charming! And my destiny can suck my @$&!"

Just then I heard a cough from the doorway. I turned quickly, horrified that someone had heard that embarrassing pep talk. Who I saw at the doorway was the worst person it could have been.

Daring leaned against the doorway, both his hands clenched into tight fists. He didn't look happy.

Cliff hanger!! Anyways I'm determined to finish this story, so please leave comments and votes, they mean the world. :)

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