• Chapter 4 • Fundraiser Fun •

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Okay so I got a message asking if when it says 'Kayls' is it a typo and the answer is no. It's Kayla's nickname that the sons call her.

Kayla's P.O.V

"God I feel like Piney with these oxygen tube things" I say to Tig who was sitting beside me. "Let's just hope you don't look like him when you grow old" He said and we chuckled a little.

Tig had been in the hospital with me for a couple hours since everyone else was getting ready for the fundraiser.

"I thought you were meant to be off that oxygen thing by now anyway" Tig said to me. "Yeah, So did I" I replied and raised my eyebrows.

For the next two hours, me and Tig just sat talking, playing cards and playing monopoly. Of course I won.

A few minutes after our game of monopoly the nurse walked in. "You're not Jackson or Gemma?" She raised an eyebrow at Tig. "No, but I'm still family" He told her and she looked a bit confused. "Blood?" Osbourne asked and he sighed. "No" Tig said flatly and she bit her tongue. "Only blood relatives are allowed to sign the release papers" She informed him. "Do you want me to contact Gemma or Jackson?" Osbourne asked me and I nodded in reply.

As she walked out, I turned to Tig. "This is bullshit, why do I need a 'blood relative' to sign my release papers? It's a fucking hospital not a jail" I say, it was clear I was annoyed. Tig just sighed and shook his head. "It's 1:30, the fundraiser starts soon and I need to get to the food stand" I said and Tig laughed. "I thought you were working with the boys, taking people on a small bike ride" He asked. "I am, but I want some god damn food" I reply and point to my stomach. "I've been living off of hospital food and it's not good" I continue and he sits laughing. "You're one of a kind" Tig said, chuckling a little.

30 mins had passed and Jax walked in. "Do they think this is a jail? Release Papers.  You should be able to just leave" He said and sat down. "Exactly what I said to Tig" I reply and Nurse Osbourne walks in, clipboard and pen in her hand. "Jackson, we'll ne-" she got cut off by jax. "It's Jax, only my mother calls me Jackson" He told her and she nods. "Well okay, Jax, you need to sign these two bits and then Kayla has to sign a bit" Osbourne says, handing the pen to Jax. Jax scribbles his signature down and hands the pen back to her. "Could you sign here" She asks me and I roll my eyes, signing the piece of paper. "Quick question, why do I need a relatives signature" I ask and she shrugs. "I just do what the hospital tell me, oh and that oxygen was meant to be take off you a couple days ago" Osbourne said, she walks towards me and carefully takes it off. "You're free to go" She said and walked out the door, shutting it behind her.

"Okay, please tell me you assholes brought me something to wear" I ask, pointing my finger at them. They laugh and nod. "You're so serious, you just need to.....Loosen up" Jax said and got a bag from under the bed. "Mom chose them, but you'll need to get changed for the fundraiser party. Fundraiser finishes at 6, party starts at 7:30" he told me and I nodded.

I got changed in the bathroom and we left. My bike had been brought to the hospital and I was riding again. I was wearing a simple outfit for the fundraiser (Pictured Above) but we all knew I was going to change into different clothes for the party.

When we got to the clubhouse, everything was being set up and I decided to help with the food stands. "Kayla, are you coming over here to help set up or have a little munch" Tara chuckled. "Bit of both" I said and we both laughed a little.

The fundraiser had started and lots of people piled in pretty quickly. Bobby was making kids look like Elvis, Me, Jax and Tig were taking people for a bike ride around Charming, Gemma and Tara were on food, Wayne and Clay were serving drinks in the clubhouse, Chibs, Juice and Opie were letting people take pictures on their bikes and Happy, Piney and Half Sack were looking after all the little games like the egg throw and stuff. Normally Gemma held the fundraisers at a near by school but for this one she decided not to.

"How much do you charge for a ride" I heard someone say as I was talking to Jax. I turned around and noticed it was a guy who I'd previously slept with at a party called Matthew. "$7" I replied and he nodded, taking out his wallet. He gave me $7 and I gave him a helmet to put on. "How long are we on this bike" He asked me. "20 minutes" I replied and Matthew nodded. "Perfect" He said quietly and we got on the bike. He wrapped his arms around my waist and off we went.

We stopped at a red light and he told me to go left, his house was down the street he told me to go down and I knew what he wanted.

"Stop here" He said and I pulled in behind a car right outside his house. He got off and gestured for me to follow. So I did.

"7 mins left" He said, in between breaths. We both got up and got dressed. "You know, you're kinda what I go for" Matthew told me, pushing a bit of hair behind my ear. "Yeah well, I'm in a complicated situation right now" I said as we walked towards his front door. "How come?" He asked me. "Me and this guy keep hooking up and we do have feelings for each other but my brother won't allow it" I tell him and he nods. "Well if it doesn't work out, you know where I am" Matthew winked at me as we got on my bike.

The party was nearly finished and I decided to have another shot with Chibs. "Why do we let an underage lass get drunk?" He questioned just before we took our shots. "Because you guys know I'm the gasoline to fire at a party" I replied as we put our shot glasses down. Well I should say slurred and not replied. "That is so true darling" Chibs laughed, as did I.

We both went out the clubhouse and sat at the bench to have a smoke. "Mind if I bum one off of you" Chibs asked and I handed him one. We both sparked up and just spoke about the club and how much fun we were having.

"So, you and Juice, aye?" He said and I froze. "What?" I asked, pretending I didn't know what he was talking about. "Don't hide it, I see the way you two act and I also witnessed him taking you to bed, bridal style, the night we got out jail" Chibs said and I sighed. "Don't tell Jax" was the first thing I said. He nodded his head. "Aye, promise I won't, he'd kill the lad" He said and took a draw from the nearly finished cigarette. "So, what are you guys?" Chibs asked me. "I'm not sure, we're not a thing but there's feelings and sex" I say and I could see him cringe as I said the word sex. "Well, I won't tell Jax, but you need to" He said and stubbed out his smoke, placing it in the ashtray. I sighed as he walked away, I knew he was right but I didn't know how to tell my brother that I was sleeping with one of his fellow club members.

Updates may be a bit slow as we've started school again after the Christmas Holidays but again, the chapter ideas are written in my notes so it won't be too long between updates :) -T x

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