Chapter 1- Lost My One True Friend

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~Edited on July 15,2019 11:21 p.m~

~6 year old (Y/N)~

I walked out out of a dark forest into a bright light. My eyes danced around as I saw beautiful flowers scattered across the plains and a cherry blossom tree on top of a nearby hill. On top of the hill, I saw mother waving her hand as she called me up. As I ran through the field, butterflies danced through the air around me. I soon made it up the hill and was greeted by mom with a hug. On the hill, she had a red and white striped picnic blanket set on the ground. She patted the ground near her as a gesture for me to sit down next to her. As I was setting my body to the ground, my mom pulled PB&J sandwich out of a picnic basket that appeared out of nowhere. I didn't question as she just handed it to me for I could eat. As I was enjoying my sandwich, I felt eyes stare at me. I looked up to see my mother with a gentle smile and tears in her eyes. I set the sandwich down on the blanket as I crawled to into my mother's lap.

"What's wrong mama?" I asked with concern as I had a slight frown set upon my face. She just let out a giggle as she caressed my cheek.

"You know you are the best gift I ever received, right?" she said as a tear rolled down her face with that same gentle smile. I smiled back as I hugged her tightly. She hugged me twice the affection.

"I want you to know Luna that no matter what happens, I still love you. When I go with Daddy in the clouds, please don't forget me. That is all I ask." my mother says as her hair sways in the wind as she looks toward the clouds.

"I won't ever forget you mama because your always going to be by my side, right?" I said with a closed eye smile to my mom. Silence took over on her side as all you can hear was the wind blowing. I opened my eyes as I slowly grew nervous.

"Right?" I said with uncertainty tied to my voice. I hear distant beeping as it slowly starts to get louder and louder until...

I jolted up from my bed as beeping was clearly going off in the background. Why is my alarm going on this early? Wait, why would it be going on? It's summer break. That was until I opened up my ears more to understand the noise. It was a fire alarm. I let out sigh of relief. It was probably just mommy making a midnight snack on the stove and the fire alarm just started. It usually happens when Mommy is making food. She will just turn it off like what she usually does. That's what I believed until it was still going off for two minutes straight.I decided that I would turn it off myself, since it was going to shut itself up. I set my hand on the door knob and opened the door. Smoke filled my vision and lungs as I fell into a coughing fit. I rubbed my eyes see I could have a clearer vision to see smoke to the top of the ceiling. My heart started to beat repeatedly as I started to grow nervous. I then had memory from last week when we went to the fire station as a field trip. Besides the stop, drop, and roll technique, they told us to crawl for you wouldn't get smoke in your lungs. I did as what Mr.Firefighter said and started to crawl to the exit. I first needed to tell mommy. I slowly started crawling until I saw sharpie mark I made in a while back next to her door. I got up to my knees to turn the door knob until pieces of wood from the ceiling fell in front of Mommy's door.I fell back due to the impact as the wood nearly got a hold of my foot.

"Mommy?" I said quietly. I was about to cry, but then I thought of something. What happened if mommy made it before me and just thought that I made it out first. I then grew small hope as I crawled my way to the entrance. I was crawling down the stairs until a part of the ceiling fell on the stairs behind me. This caused me to fall down down the stairs due to the impact. My body began to ache as bruises started to form on my arm and legs. My mind started to go in and out of consciousness as I saw the flickering of flames, I wanted to rest, but I knew Mommy would be on the other side of this door waiting for me. I slowly started getting up as my arms were aching out of agony. Whimpers and tears escaped out of me as I tried to crawl once more. I kept bumping into stuff not only because of my injuries,but also the thick smoke that blinded my eyes and entered my lungs. As I was crawling, I saw a sign that said welcome that was on the floor, wood burnt of color. This must be the front door. I was soon about to set my little hands onto the door knob when all of a sudden part of the ceiling fell unto the door. Again I was pushed back due to the impact and landed on the somewhat burnt floor. My vision was going in circles after the third time of falling. I then saw something clear go into my vision as I looked up. It was a window. I can escape. As I was thinking this I heard more ceiling fall onto the floor around me. I decided to take quick action and try to open the window. My small sore hands could only do so much until they gave up. I looked around for something, anything to open it up. That was until my eyes landed on my music box. Under it was a marble like base under it to act like an addition to the box. In desperation, I grabbed both and started to slam it against the window. The first time it did nothing, but on the second it cracked. I kept banging and banging until the glass shattered to the floor.I took the chance and jumped out of the window. I felt like time had stopped as I saw part of the ceiling once again fall but this time, it fell it front of the window. My body was then enveloped with the feeling of grass with glass shards spread onto it. Call it adrenaline, but my body rose up as I started to call out for mommy.

"Mommy?" I said as my eyes were looking for her anxiously. I didn't see her anywhere in sight.

"Mommy?" I said louder, now looking towards the windows asif horror took over me.

"Mommy!" I yelled once more as the adrenaline wore off and I fell to my knees bursting in tears. Everything else was a blur. My neighbor's grandchild, Charlie, ran outside to comfort me while his Grandma Sam called for the fire department. Soon firefighters came into visions and took out the fire. Two firefighters came out with Mommy who had burn marks all over her arms, legs, and face. This caused me to burst into more tears as I saw her in such pain. She was put in an ambulance car and went straight to the hospital. The medics checked on me to show that I had one severe burn mark that would leave a scar on my neck, other minor burns/bruises, and glass shards stuck in my skin due to the fall out the window. A couple days later the doctors told my neighbor Sam that my mom didn't make it. She was told if she could care for me, which was sad to say, but she had said know. It wasn't because she didn't want me. It was just that she was scared of dying, as she was 84 years old, and leaving Luna in even more despair. They had checked my file to show that my father had died of cancer when I was 3 months old and to show I had no aunts or uncles to care for me. The only choice they had for me was to drop me to an adoption center. I was only six years old and all this was new to me. They told me nothing as they left. I tried asking them questions ike where was Mommy or where are they going, but they kept on walking. I was then grabbed by the supervisor of the daycare Ms. Sanchez. She carried me as I cried wanting my mommy back, but deep down I should have known... she was never coming back.

Hello my Shooting Stars⭐! I hope you enjoyed this first chapter. Sorry if this is bad quality. It's just because this is my first story I have ever made.😨 I hope you liked it though. So yeah..... See you all of you beautiful/handsome people in the next chapter.

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