| ~ C H A P T E R 11 ~ |

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*You dad walks in mad with your mom*

Your dad:Y/n!!, why did you talk to Mrs.Pimentel like t- what is he doing here!!!?

Your mom:Calm down!!

You:I told you I had a boyfriend, and it's Luis!!!

Your dad:Leave her alone!!!, she going to be getting married in 2 weeks leave her, or I'll make sure you do!!.

You:Don't threaten Him!!!!!

Your dad:Your about to get married!

You:To someone I do t even know, to someone I don't love at all...

Your dad:Oh and you love luis?

You:Yes I do!!! I love him with my whole life!!

- Your dad when to your office phone

Your dad:Wendy call security up to y/n's office NOW!!!!!

Wendy:Yes sir!!

-Mins later they came with angle.

You:No, you can't do that!!

-You get in front of Luis

Your dad:take him out of here and make sure he dosent come back to this company!!

*They was going to take him when you screamed*


*They didn't care*

Angle:Y'all are going to disobey a order???

*They stopped*

Your dad:ANGLE!!!!

You:DAD!!!YOUR NOT GOING TO MAKE HIM LEAVE FOR NO REASON I DONT CARE!!! *You was forcing yourself for the past 2 days with the boys bulling you, crying all night and not having enough sleep, and now with that's b.s, you started to feel weak*

Luis:Babe!! Are you ok?


Your dad:Take him!!!!

Angle:Ok, y/n.. here let's re-

You:STOP, leave him!!!! He didn't do an- *You fainted and angle catched you*

Your mom:Y/n!! My love!!!


*He got out and went up to you and looked at you*

Luis:Babe, amor... wake up..

Angle:We need a ambulance Wendy! *He spoke in his microphone*

-You woke up in the hospital with Luis on the bed holding your hand

You:Ugh, what happen!?

Luis:Shh you need to rest!

You:My head hurts

Luis:It's ok...

-Later Mr.Pimentel and Mrs.Pimentel came in with Joel

Joel:Babe!!... are you ok!! *Luis got up and Joel sat beside you and leaned in to kissed you, but you moved*


*Your dad comes in, you reached for Luis hand and y'all intertwined fingers*

Your dad:I thought you left, I told you to leave!!

You:Don't talk to him like that..

Your dad:Your husband is here.. he can leave

You:He isn't my husband!!, I have a boyfriend!!how many times have I told You!!

Luis:I think it's best for me to leave

You:No, babe stay

Luis:I'll come and see you tomorrow ok!!?



- You pulled him down and y'all kissed for some good seconds

Luis:Please rest princess, please no more fight with your Dad please!


Luis:Te amo my queen👑

- He glared at Joel and leave

Your dad:I'm moving the wedding for this week


- They leave and your mom was there with you

You:Why do I have to get married with Joel!?

Your mom:Cause y/n, just let's it be!!!


-Next day, you got released and you had to go to your new house with Joel.. so when you got there he was there waiting and talking on the phone!

Joel:Welcome honey!

- He took you right in and then slammed you on the couch

I hope y'all had an amazing day💕💕, please rest love you all thank y'all for the 700 views♥️😭
I'll try to post more and sorry that it is short

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