| ~C H A P T E R 49 ~ |

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Y'all sat down and y'all kissed And then y'all cuddled
-A month past, and y'all was back in L.A you was so happy to see your baby, you haven't been feeling well.. You was cooking and Joel was sitting down playing with Zxaneili and you suddenly felt like throwing up, so you ran to the bathroom

Joel:Babe, are you okey?


Joel:Here wash up

You:I'll be back ok..

Joel:Where are you going!?

You:I forgot that I left something in my office

Joel:Ok!, we will wait here I'll finish the food


- You left and drove to the pharmacy and bought a pregnancy test and went into there bathroom and took it and waited harder a couple of mins you saw it and it said positive you was happy

You:Omg!! I'm going to have another baby!.. Omg Joel is going to be happy!!

You bought something to wrap it in you left and wrapped it and later got the house and everyone was there, including your mom and dad and Joels parents, you go in and Zxnaeili scream


You:Hey, sweetie!

- You hugged her and everyone stared at you and Joel came up

You:Um Joel, I have this for you

Joel:Why would I want that? What's in there?

You:Open it

Jackie:What is it!?

You:You'll see

-Joel opened it and he was so happy, he even let out tears of joy

Joel:I'm going to be a father again!?

You:Yes baby!!

- He hugs you and everyone claps after that everyone congratulated you and hugged you and Joel and then y'all ate and you cleaned up and Joel had went to go put Neili to sleep and  you and Joel went to y'alls room

Joel:Thank you so much

You:Thank you too

*Y'all kissed*

-3 years past

Zxaneili:Ama, tell Anthony to stoop!!!


You:Anthony Stop!

Joel:I'm home

You:Hey baby!

-Y'all kissed

Joel:How are my princesses? And Prince?




Alessa:Today is out, birthday daddy

Joel:ik, baby!.. You and Anthony are getting old

-They laughed and ran and Zxnaeili rolled her eyes

You:How are You!?

Joel:Good ig haha..

You:You want something to eat?

Joel:Yeah.. well nahh, Christopher is panning a surprise party for the twins

You:Oh ok so you'll wait!?

Joel:Yeah *He sat down*

You:Um I'm thinking about going back to work

Joel:Who is going to take care of the kids

You:I'll pay someone to take care of them..

Joel:Well, if you trust other people then ok..

You:I'll see.

Joel:Ok.. but babe it's fine if I work

You:Noo babe, I love my job so yeah and your working with Leidi by y'all selfs

Joel:Its fine..

You:Its not.. I don't want you to think I'm lazy

Joel:I don't think that.. after knowing you for a long ass time, yeah noo jaja


Joel:Yeah, now go get ready


- You went and went to go get the twins ready and Zxaneili you got ready and did your makeup and hair and Joel went to go get ready as well and y'all head out and later got to Chris house and it was packed

-Y'all knocked and you opened and everyone yelled "surprise, happy birthday twins", the light turned on and everyone was there and y'all went and said hey to everyone, every officer in the station that knew y'all was there..
The kids went over to there Uncles and Aunts and hugged them and the officer that was close to them and they received alot of presents
Y'all singed happy birthday to them and they blew the candles and bit the cake and everyone ate and had fun, danced
It was then 12 a.m and the kids fell asleep, the guys help y'all with the kids and the presents, y'all drove back home and later got home and you was going to carry on of the twins but Joel didn't let you

Joel:I got it.. don't worry, go make the bed


- So you went up and fixed the beds of the 3 kids and Joel laid them down and you took there shoes off and covered them and Joel had just finished putting the presents in

Joel:Ok, let's go

-Y'all went up and you closed the door and locked and he hugs you from behind

You:Babe, we need to go shower

Joel:Lets go..

-Y'all went in the bathroom and y'all showered, as you showered Joel wouldn't stop touching you

You:Babe, I'm tired...please..

-You finished and wrapped the towel around your body and you head out and Joel did too, you changed and

HELLOO!!! 🤗🤗☺
Today I will be finishing the chapters lol, and posting the intro of the new one

Anyways how are Y'all?

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