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Envy (Latin, "invidia") Like Greed and Lust, is characterised as an insatiable desire

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Envy (Latin, "invidia") Like Greed and Lust, is characterised as an insatiable desire. It can be described as sad or resentful towards the traits or possessions of someone else. Malicious Envy is similar to jealousy in that they both feel discontent towards someone's traits, status, abilities or rewards.

Positivity is still wavering, the immortal understands, and is willing to help you and anyone he cares for as long as he gets whatever he needs in return, just like his oldest brother Greed.

- "He underestimates himself greatly, he is as perfect now as he was before."

Envy is only Envy, because of how long his superiors had to so often watch as the immortal grieved over his jealousy and malicious ways towards the people he envied greatly, he overly underestimated himself, and that's why he is now- Envy.

Envy as you would never believe, will even act envious toward you. Just like he was for me, all you need to do in make him trust you. Of course, for so long of them living, I hope you understand that they have major trust issues. Love him, for he will love you back.

Love is powerful, you use it to your advantage.

Just never forget him, because he too has grudges from his past.

Soft hands combed through my raven coloured black hair, my eyes too focused on the glowing stars above us to looks over at the male speaking.

" Your hair is so soft. " He sighed, his voice so light and intoxicating, although held pure envy in his tone. "So is your skin." He continued, a small giggle leaving his lips, although it seemed as if cold.

Turning towards his form, as we sat on my bed. Looking towards the facade and sorcery I had produced with my eyes and onto the wall.

A starry night sky.

"You're also powerful. How much perfection could you be?" He chuckled lightly, although I could hear the need in his voice and feel the radiation of envy throughout his body. " If only I was like you..."

"Envy, No one is perfect."

A dry laugh left his lips. " But then again The Seven Contrary Virtues are aren't they?" He sneered, his voice dropping octaves very word that left his thin lips, I watched from the corner of my eyes as he sat up from the bed.

"Perfection isn't all good things, you need some bad within to be perfect."

His eyes glared and narrowed darkly towards my figure, I was starting to get worried. Sitting up to meet his gaze, I slowly tried to get into a more comfortable position in front of him.

" You're one of them. I can even see, you have no flaws. "

" I have countless Envy. J-Just listen to me. " I slowly pried towards him, up until he pounced forwards, pushing me off the bed and grabbing at my wrists. Forcefully pulling me up afterwards and towards the wall.

He was too envious to realise what he was really doing, to infested towards getting what he wanted to realise anything, until the words forcefully left my lips.

" Everyone has a flaw Envy! I can tell you many of my own, how embarrassing I am towards the other Virtues, They chose me out of all the others to come down here, I was useless! I was the boring Virtue! They chose me because they wanted me out of there! "

Envy's devilish look dropped, although he still held his angered scowl, his irksome eyes still managing to burn holes towards my own form.
"They're pathetic for thinking so from someone with some much Hope."

" You're l-"

"I'm not lying! Look at me! Do you see my eyes?" He was indicating towards the colour, for when The Deadly Sin's lie, sometimes it can show in their eyes, which was deceiving for people who didn't understand magic.

I could feel his own uneven intakes of oxygen as he forced himself flush against one's self and the wall, I could hear his heart beating at an erotic pace. I never thought men like these actually had hearts... But then again, I've changed them.

" You are not boring, you are one of the most unique creatures I've ever met. I'm sure all my brothers can say the same. " His grumpy scowl dropped, before the prettiest smile over came his lips, his teeth shining as they were so perfectly straight and white.

" When you said you wanted to change us... I thought it was impossible. But I believe you are giving us your virtue, we're only now realising we can escape from this hell and change ourselves. "

" I'm happy to help, Envy. "

A loose smile left my lips, before Envy had engulfed me into a warm and calming hug of affection, his arms effortlessly wrapping around my waist in a bear hug, his head digging into the crook of my neck.

That was until not too later into the week...

They had turned into animals.

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