Chapter 3

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2 Months Later

I sit on the couch next to Leifer with Darius on the other side of him and then my parents, all of us sat patiently awaiting the guests Alpha Magnus had only known were coming half an hour ago. However, my family were still oblivious as to who these guests are.

Lefier nudges my arm gently "Is Magnus your type?" he asks bending slightly so our words seem more private but i know that my whole family can hear "I'm unsure, he seems kind but I don't know him very well" I admit swallowing when my dad voices his opinion on his new suitor for me "He's an honourable male who's fought in many battles to defend his pack. He's one of my most trusted friends as well and I know he will treat you like a queen if you were his mate"

"But he is old" I whisper making my mom laugh "He's the same age as your father - they are both old" she teases, patting my knee "He's nice Isilee, he cares for those he loves and would protect them with his life - you could easily love him sweetie" she continues "I'll give him a chance he is very kind and a gentleman which are nice qualities" I say trying to picture him as my male but I can only think of Thaddeus being in that position.

My mind suddenly hazes, my hand going to grip onto Leifer's as an alluring scent captures my senses - it smells of Thaddeus but so much stronger and slightly different, it's his scent but intensified which only confuses me.

"Isilee are you alright?" Leifer asks, placing the back of his palm on my forehead "Who are the guests?" I ask just as my father stands, Darius standing as well both with tall rigid postures "The Royals" Darius says "All stand, bow when they come in" my dad tells us quickly as Leifer forces me up, releasing my hand as we hear the doors to the lounge open.

Their scents drown me from their immense power which immediately has me bowing but my senses are going into overload at Thaddeus' strong scent - he seems to have so much power and assertiveness with just his dominating scent.

As they come in front of us the King's powerful voice tells us to rise and I quickly see Thaddeus stood next to an elegant woman who I can only assume is the Queen. His eyes are staring back at me but his whole demeanour has changed, he's not my lovable Thaddeus now he stands before me as the Prince. I see the softness of his eyes clash with his cold and hard exterior like always, but instead of him picking me up and kissing me like he would always do he is only staring and then quickly moves his eyes away when Magnus speaks.

"Your Majesties, I have to apologise we were surprised by your visit and already had guests; Alpha Klaus Antilla and his family." Magnus introduces as we bow our heads again "No need to apologise Magnus, it is a pleasure to see Klaus again, how are you and your pack?" he questions shaking my father's hand "We are thriving, my King"

"You know my Queen and these are our sons, the Royal Beta and his family as well" the King says "Of course, it is an honour to see you all. This is my female, Ines and our eldest son is Darius, then Leifer and our daughter Isilee" my father introduces "Please be seated" Magnus says.

I stare at my legs as I think over everything - Thaddeus has been lying to me this whole time. He's a prince, meaning he's a lycan and relationships between lycans and werewolves weren't permitted, lycans were seen to be too powerful to be with a werewolf. Was this the real reason why he didn't want to be my mate? Not because he will be busy but because he is the lycan prince and I a werewolf, being an Alpha's daughter may make my status slightly higher for the Royals but I doubt I'd be the ideal mate for the crown prince.

'Isi, they're talking about you' Leifer interrupts my thoughts by mind linking me and I quickly thank him before paying attention just in time to hear the Queen complimenting me "- such beauty and power within this female, no female has ever been born with this power only mated into it." I blush from her words as both the King and Queen look at me but the most noticeable eyes on me are Thaddeus' burning a trail on my cheeks making me blush even harder.

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