the goneras and zarcs always got into anguement over something yuki always thought it would be better if she killed herself soever single time she did,diecoon could never stop her because she always blocked him on messsenger and everything else.after awhile diecoon and yki end up parting ways because yuki had became a yin-yang god.most of the goneras acted like they hated the zarcs when yuki killed herself which the zarcs loved and cared for them all no matter what they did.lora become merried to one of the gonera known as mikazuki.few mouths later diecoon found out kiyo could bring back the people who was killed by soul eaters so he got kiyo to bring back sasha for him.most of diecoons life he spent getting hunted and people tried to killhim for bring a zarc so him and some of the other zarcs moved into the gonera realm since despite the constant arguing it was safe there for them.afew mouths later the sputh king of the legendary realms south village found out duiecoon was friends with the non existent the enemies of legendary beings,the south king started a war with diecoon diecoon killed all of them but one of diecoons friends died romeo tatzokuki he was killed in the war so diecoons best friend and royal paladin was now 2018 romeo was somehow bring back diecoon was happy again.after that all things were mostly peacefully in the scar world.the end