broken(chapter 5)

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(Ein's pov)

"Hey Ein long time no see"gene said with a smile on his face."why are you smiling we hurt Aaron and aphmau"I said as I looked at him I didn't growl I just looked at him with my ugly gray eye's."Hey don't blame that on me YOU hurt them not me I just asked for pictures of aphmau"gene said pointing at me with the hand that's not holding zenix's."woah woah woah wait a minute I'm stepping in why would you need pictures of aphmau gene"zenix said pulling his hand away from gene's and putting his hands on his hips giving gene the answer me or I'm leaving your ass look."look babe I would never do that to you,you know me"gene said stepping toward zenix.

"uh huh" zenix said giving him the your lying look."OK OK I sold the pictures to some girl named michi she told me that she was gonna make sure aphmau didn't steal Zane from her"gene said looking at zenix honestly."did she not know Zane was gay like jeez"zenix said laughing."why are you pretending to be with gene whenever aphmau broke up with Aaron to be with you"I said looking at him simply."WHY IS APHMAU STILL PRETENDING ME AND HER ARE A THINK IM GAY AND I WILL NEVER LIKE HER IM WITH GENE I TOLD HER I LOVE GENE WHAT DOES SHE NOT UNDERSTAND!"zenix said looking as pissed as ever his face was red too showing how mad he is that aphmau said that she's dating him.

"zenix it's ok I know you love me and I love you ok don't worry"gene said smiling at zenix."ok gene"zenix said smiling back at him grabbing his hand."So hey Ein what are you doing here all by yourself"zenix asked me."I don't wanna go back to my dorm so I think I'm just going to sleep on that bench over there then I don't know what I'm gonna do"I said pointing to the bench and then looking back at them."Why don't you wanna go back to your dorm?"gene asked me.

"Well Aaron is my dorm mate and I don't think we are on good speaking terms right now"I said looking down.

(Zenix's pov)

I grabbed gene and pulled him away from Ein so he couldn't hear us."gene we can't just let Ein sleep here look at him he looks..."I paused and looked at Ein."he looks?'gene said using hand motions telling me to continue."Well he looks...broken gene"I said looking at gene sadly."now that you say it he does look broken"gene said looking at me then Ein.

"Gene I have a question"I said looking at gene biting my bottom lip watching as his face became a cherry red with blush. "U-um w-what do y-you need  Z-Zenix"gene said stuttering witch I have to admit was adorable. "Can Ein stay the night with us in are dorm plzzzzz"I begged looking up at him since he was taller then me giving him huge puppy dog eye's. "Of course Zenix anything for you and your cute face"gene said and winked. G-Geneee don't f-flirt It m-makes m-me b-blush"I whined as I blushed.

"No promises"gene said as he booped me on my nose. "So are we gonna go ask Ein if he wants to stay with us or not"gene said with a smug look on his face. "L-let's go"I said as I dragged gene back over to Ein. "Hey Ein if you want you can spend the night at me and gene's dorm"I asked Ein. "Why do you care no one has ever cared why would you why now"Ein said looking at us with his gray broken eye's.

I stepped over to Ein and nelt down so we would be eye to eye since he was sitting on the lowest swing"Ein I'm sorry"I said with tears in my eyes and hugged him.

(Ein's pov)

Zenix hugged me I didn't hug back I just looked forward why,why would he hug me why would they care...Aaron doesn't care why them why now. I looked at gene and saw he had tears in his eye's too I softly put my arms around Zenix hugging him back he was obviously taken aback by this.Zenix looked up at me and I looked back at him"why are you sorry you didn't do anything Zenix" I said. "Ein me and gene are together Zane and Travis are together b-but you y-your alone Ein I'm sorry"he said looking at me on the verge of tears. "Ein you don't have to if you don't want to but you can stay with us our offer still stands"Zenix said to me.

"O-ok" I said hesitant."YAY COME ON EIN IT WILL BE LIKE A SLEEP OVER YAH"Zenix said obviously exited as gene smiled at him. "Ein we gotta make some room in the car so you can sit we'll be right back"gene said looking at me. "Okay" is all I said. "Gene's car looks like trash so it will take us about ten but I promise We'll come back,ok Ein?"Zenix said as he smiled at me. "Okay" was all I said as I watched gene and Zenix walk away to wherever there car is.

I got up from the swing I was sitting on and walked over to a tree and sat down then gently closed my eye's.Suddenly I was kicked in the stomach jolting me up I looked up and saw a group of werewolves. "hey omega"one of them said looking down at me smirking."Hey what's wrong with this losers eye's there gray what is he broken" another one said as they all laughed at me. "leave me alone please I don't wanna do this"i said looking down.

"Listen to me you stuipid broken omega you never talk back to us you got it!"the first one screamed at me then kicked my knee as I fell to the ground they all started kicking me.the one that kicked me grabbed me by the collar of my hoodie and pinned me against the tree."S-Stop p-please"i said crying as my blood was every and over twenty bruises on my body cuts and scratches on my face and all over my body pulling open the cuts I made on my wrist witch hurt more than anything. "i thought I told you not to talk back"he growled at me. "oh he's gonna get it now!" Some other one said. "Eric grab him"the one who pinned me against the tree said smirking at me.

"of course it would be my pleasure jack"Eric said with a smug look on his face before going behind me and grabbed my arms forcing them behind my back. While jack and the rest of them kicked me and punched me over and over seeing my blood pour out of my body as I cried." HEY WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ALL ARE DOING"I heard someone scream then jack got knocked out and so did Eric with one punch each.after Eric got knocked out I fell face first into the ground my blood continuing to leave my body." EIN i-it's a-all g-going to b-be o-ok" I heard as Zenix ran over after gene was the one who knocked them out. Zenix flipped me over on my back looking at me and started crying.

Gene ran over and picked me up and ran to his car Zenix already in the car cause he ran faster my vision started becoming worse I could barely see.

(Gene's pov)

I speed to zanes dorm I knew that he could help Ein he has a lot of first aid stuff.I was there in about 2 minutes I picked up Ein and ran to zanes dorm me and Zenix where crying as we ran we got to zanes dorm and instantly Zenix started banging on the door.When it finally opened Zane went wide eyed I saw two other people in there but I didn't look at there faces I ran in and put Ein on zanes couch.

A Beautiful Boy
With Gorgeous Eyes;
A Hidden World Of
Hurt And Lies

So there was another one of my sad short poems I really enjoyed this well not the Ein almost dieing but you know the whole little genix thing I got to add I thought it was cute but you know that's just me well bye my dudes!

I'm sorry i regret it all...(Einron)Where stories live. Discover now