The Beach

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Aria's P.O.V

We were about to go to the beach with the guys. Sabrina was wearing a light green, 2 piece, strapless bathing suit. I was wearing a light blue, 2 piece, strapless bathing suit. We also had shorts, belly shirts, and flip flops on.

We ran to the beach since it was close to the house and didn't take long to get there.We were surprised to see that the guys weren't here yet. So we set our stuff on a log and went in the ocean. I loved the water. I was on the swim team back in California. I never lost a game.

"Hey Sis', the guys are here." Sabrina told me

We swam as fast as we can to shore since we were really far out.

"How did you guys get here before us?" Paul asked.

"We ran. What took you guys so long?" I asked

"We had to go looking for someone." Quil answered

"Who?" asked Sabrina.

When Jacob showed up. I was kind of glad to see that I could bother him again. To show him why he needs to be grateful to have other family. And I know exactly what to do.

Sam stepped in, "Jake, don't you have something to tell them."

"I'm sorry that you two are brats." Jake said

"Anything else." Sam said with a voice that sounded annoyed.

"And I'm sorry that you two were ever born." He continued.

"Anything else before I TEAR YOUR HEAD OFF?!?!" I said through my gritted teeth.

"Oh yea. You two think your so big, thinking you can beat me up. But your just two stupid little girls." He said.

"Ok! You asked for this Jacob!" I yelled.

I got so angry at him I flipped him so he was face down on the sand. I grabbed his arm behind his back and sat on his back to make sure he didn't get up.

"Like I said, you asked for it." I said smiling.

Sabrina P.O.V

I saw Aria take down Jacob. We both took karate, taekwondo, boxing, wrestling, and a bunch of other stuff. So we knew how to do things. Aria was still on top of Jacob when I heard Paul say, "Hey! Guys! I bet you quiet little Sabrina over there can't do that." Paul said. "She's even too scared to talk. She has her sister do all the talking for her."

Ok, now Paul was just pushing it. The good thing is that I don't get as easily mad as Aria. So I just wanted to shut Paul up. So I said, "Your right Paul. I'm not as good as Aria. But, thats ok. We good."

I reached my hand out, he took it and we shaked.

"Yea. We're good." He replied.

I started squeezing his hand really tightly, never releasing my grip and not letting him escape my grasp. Then I flipped him over and pinned him the exact same way Aria did.

"Ohhhh, Jake and Paul got taken down by girls!" was all that came from the guys.

Me and Aria looked at each other. Then we said, "Anyone else want this?"

There was a long pause.

"Thought so" We said at the same time.

"So. Up for swiming anyone?" Seth said.

"Yea!" We all said

Jacob's P.O.V

Me and Paul got taken down by girls. 14 year old GIRLS. Well we all went swimming. I wanted to beat the twins in something. So I decided on something.

"Hey, you two think your so great. I want you to beat everyone of us in a swimming race." I said.

"Ok. If we win, you guys have to do what ever we want for a month." Aria said.

She seemed to do all of the talking.

"Ok. If we win, you two have to be our servents for a week." I said

"Deal" Aria said

We made a boundery by the rocks then we started. Aria and I raced first. She won. Sabrina and Paul raced next. Sabrina won. Aria faced Seth and Embry, she won both. Sabrina faced Quil and Sam, she won both races too.

"Well, I guess you two won." I said.

We were still deep in the water.

"Well thanks. We were on a swim team that never lost a game. So the first thing we want you to do is take us to shore." Sabrina said, looking at Aria with satisfaction.

Before anyone said anything else, the air was filled with ear piercing screams from the two girls. Then they fell limp and were sinking into the water. We had to act fast, after all, they were my annoying, competitive sisters.

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