Seth and Embry Imprint

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Aria’s P.O.V

“So, where we goin big bro?” Sabrina asked.

“Just get on. Unless you don’t know how to ride a motorcycle.” He said sarcastically.

“Oh, We do!” We said brightly.

“Ok, just follow me.” He said sounding annoyed.

I didn’t know where we were going. Me and Sabrina had been on a bunch of different motorcycles and we knew how to do a bunch of tricks too. When we would make sharp turns and almost hit Jake’s bike, but miss, he would say, “Watch it! I don’t want another broken bike for me to fix!”

“Don’t worry Jake, it’s just something we’ve learned to do.” I said

We kept riding until we came to some cliffs.

“Ok, we’re here. You can stop know.” He said

“Ok.” We said.

Both having the same idea. We kept going until we reached the tip of the cliff then drifted and stopped. We saw everyone’s jaw drop after we did that.

“You guys can either stay on the cliff or dive. Not that I think you will.” He whispered under his breath.

“Aw c’mon Jake. They’re not scared. Are ya girls?” Quil said.

“Nope.” We said at the same time.

“Then there’s your answer Jake.” Jared said.

Everyone was ripping off their shirts and Sabrina and I were just standing there. Then we remembered we had our bathing suits in a bag on the motorcycle. We ran to go change and put Alice’s clothes nicely on the motorcycle.

“Ok, we’re ready.” We said.

“Since this is your first time, do you guys want to ride on our backs while we jump.” Paul asked particularly looking at Sabrina.

“Umm. Sure why not.” I said with a small smile on my face.

“Ok. Sabrina come with me and Aria you go with, hmm. Who wants Aria?” He said out loud.

Everyone’s hand shot up except Jacob’s. I felt special.

“Ok, Quil you take her.” Paul said.

Quil was jogging over to me and then said, “Get on my back, we’ll go first.” Quil said.

I was a bit scared but I reminded myself that I was with someone and I would be ok. Quil jumped and we started falling. The feeling of the water refreshed me. I made sure I held on to Quil so I wouldn’t lose him.

I swan up to the surface. I couldn’t find Quil. Then, something lifted me up. I realized it was Quil. I was on his shoulders now. He swam towards the shore, then I saw Paul and Sabrina jump.

On the way back to the cliffs (I was still on Quil’s shoulders), Quil said, “You know, your super light.”

I didn’t know what to say next. So I just stayed silent. We were up on the cliff when someone pushed me back and I fell into Jared’s arms.

“What was that for?!?!?!” I said half laughing, half having a heart attack.

“It’s my turn.” Jared said.

“Ok but you didn’t need to do that to get me off of Quil.” I said still laughing.

I got on Jared’s back then he said, “Man, your light.”

Again I didn’t know what to say. We jumped off, but this time, Jared was diving. I felt scared and I guess he felt me shivering a bit.

“You scared?” he asked.

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