Chapter 8

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So you should all go check out ___heyyy___ 's books because they are really good🙏

Todoroki's POV

I slowly shuffle awake and rub my head on Izuku's shoulder. I stay still for a moment, listening to Izuku's breathing. He's definitely asleep, based on his breathing. I glance at the alarm clock and see it reads 7:44 a.m.

I should probably wake him up since he needs to go see recovery girl to finish healing his wounds. He needs his rest, I'll give him until 9 a.m. I pull him closer to me and rest my nose on his scent gland.

I close my eyes and just rest, not quite falling  completely asleep but dozing off occasionally. After I don't know how long, I feel him start to shuffle around. I feel him move a little before saying, "Sho? Are you awake?"

I pretend I'm asleep to see what he'll do. He kisses my scent gland. "Yeah, I'm awake" I say and smirk, opening my eyes. He blushes and backs his head away so that we aren't on eachother anymore but he's still close to me because of my arms being around him.

"You're so mean Sho..." he pouts. I laugh softly and smiles. Suddenly he takes a picture of me and smile. "What are you doing with that picture?" I ask and pull him on me to where his head lays on my chest and his phone screen is visible to me.

"Mmhm? I'm just setting it to my home screen and posting it on instagram~" he says as I watch his phone. He sets his phone down and turns around so his stomach is against mine. "We should head to the school to get our dorm ready" I say, unable to get up.

"We should but you're so comfortable I don't think I can get up" he says dramatically and turns around again. He grabs his phone and looks at the comments on the picture of me.

"Uraraka sayed well..she basically exploded because of how cute she thinks us together is, Kacchan started typing in all caps about something, Denki said....I'll let you read that one" he says and shows me his phonescreen.

I look and see Denki said 'Have you guys had sex yet?' I roll my eyes and grab the phone, replying with 'I don't know, how about you and Jirou?' After I give Izuku his phone back

After a while of just messing at around, we get ready. Obviously I had to help him but we got ready quickly. Ms. Midoriya took the day off to help Izuku and I. I load out bags into the trunk of the car and help Izuku in.

I was informed that Izuku's Mother's name is Inko so I don't have to address her as 'Ms. Midoriya' anymore. Inko gets in the drivers seat and starts driving. Soon we make it to that school and I tell Izuku's mom where our dorm is.

She parks outside of the dorm, I get out and grab our bags, bringing them up to out room. We got our keys earlier, so I unlock the door and set the bags inside. I walk back to Inko's car and see Izuku ready to go, assuming he told his mom goodbye already.

I pick him up bridal style and close the door. "Do you want to stop by Recovery Girl's office to get your wounds healed up?" I ask him and stop walking. I carry him into the school which ,for today, is reserved for teachers and students who got injured.

I carry him into Recovery Girl's office and put him on a bed, while I lean against a wall. Recovery Girl heals him up and then Izuku walks over to me. I grab his hand and walk out of Recovery Girl's office.

We walk back to our dorm and see Bakugou and Kirishima walking to a room a few rooms down from ours. I raise an eyebrow and just shrug it off, walking into Izuku and I's dorm and shutting the door behind us.

We start to unpack our stuff. There was already two beds, a small kitchen, a living room with a couch and small t.v, and a restroom. I finish unpacking my stuff and sigh, sitting on my bed.

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