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"Laura, is it usual for parents to be over protective of their kids?" Laura glanced over her shoulder at Derek, stopping only momentarily in her cooking, before continuing. 

"Sit, baby bro." Derek rolled his eyes, but listened anyways. He sat down on one of the stools at the kitchen island, facing his sister. "Okay. Where does this question come from?"

"Well, Stiles, I guess. He's super protective of Jenna."

"Protectiveness is pretty normal in parents, Der. Especially when kids are younger."

"No, but.. It's more than protective. It's almost paranoid, and he's been like this the entire time I've known him. He woke up from a nap two weeks ago and freaked out, cause he didn't know where Jenna was. He's always on alert when they're out in public. 

"When we were first met, I thought it was just me. I thought he was just being cautious of this stranger, and that it would go away the more he got to know me. And it has mostly, when it comes to me. But he's still always guarded, and keeps a really close eye on her. Like he's scared something will happen."

Laura hummed, handing Derek something to taste test for her. 

"That doesn't exactly sound like normal parenting, but who knows, maybe he's just a helicopter parent. Maybe you should talk to him, baby bro."

Derek huffed, handing Laura back her spoon.

"Needs salt. How do I do that without it sounding like I'm criticizing his parenting skills?"

"Don't come at his parenting skills then. You're seeing him tomorrow, right?"


"Then talk to him then. Tell him you've noticed he's been tense lately, ask him if something's wrong, if it's anything you can help with. Sound supportive, not criticizing."

Derek nodded, standing up from the stool.

"Thanks, Laur." He pressed a kiss to his sister's head, leaving the kitchen.


Derek's watch read 2:30pm, the ticking hands mocking him. God, he was running so late. He got caught up at the museum, and ended up staying way later than he intended. Thus making him late picking up Daniel, and even later in getting to Stiles' for their standing Wednesday dates. Daniel was not happy about this, pulling his uncle full force towards the Stilinski's front door.

Derek knocked once, before pushing it open. As soon it was open, Daniel was gone, bolting to Jenna's room. Derek sighed, shaking his head as he closed the door and walked farther into the apartment. 

He found Stiles asleep on the couch, curled around a couch pillow. Derek allowed himself to stare for a moment, seeing as no-one was around to pick on him for it. Derek could tell the man was tired, as he never left Jenna unattended. He had dark bags under his eyes, and he was lying in what looked to be a pretty uncomfortable position. But god, was he beautiful. 

Stiles was so beautiful. His hair was mused on one side, as if Stiles was pulling on it, and flat on the other, from the pillow pressing it down. His face was relaxed, the tension he normally held in his shoulders nonexistent as he slept. Derek just wanted to walk over to him and kiss every mole and freckle on his exposed cheek

Jenna and Daniel came tiptoeing into the room, which was much different from their usual tactic of impersonating a stampede. Derek raised an eyebrow at the two as they came to a stop in front of him.


"Tatuś said we were going to get ice-cream. Can we go now?" Jenna said in a hushed tone.

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