Part 12

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Jughead's POV:
When she told me she didn't care about the paparazzi as long as it was us I couldn't stop blushing. The minute we left the building the paparazzi were swarming. "Who is this?" "Does he have a mystery girl?" Were questions asked, but I put my hand around her waist protectively and got a cab. We were on the way to the theater when I looked at her. "Wow that was intense." I looked at her like 'yep' "You don't have to do this." She looked at me with a 'are you stupid' look. "Juggie listen when I said I don't care about them I ment it you and me against them we can do it." I couldn't help it I leaned down and kissed her we kissed till we got to the theater. "Come on."

We entered and went back stage and we I hear "Oh good you're here." I looked it was the director talking to me. "Come meet the rest if the cast...Umm who is this?" "This is Betty Cooper my girlfriend." "Oh ok well come on you two." We were walking all over the stage and back stage. "Ok so this is Toni Topaz, SweetPea, and Chuck. Over here we have Reggie and Trev. That's all. Your dressing room is down there next to your moms. Goodbye." Toni walked up to me and said "and who are you?"

Betty's POV:
When the Toni chick started flirting with Juggie I about lost it, but I waited for him to respond. "I'm Jughead Jones and this is my girl Betty Cooper." She looked me up and down. "Oh it's a shame you have a girl already." "Nice to meet you too." I heard myself blurt out, sarcastically smiled. Jug just laughed at the scene. Then Reggie, Chuck, and SweetPea walked over to me. "Oh look boys Jughead brought a snack." Chuck said. "Umm...excuse me? not gonna happen." I said snippily. "Oh come on we all know girls like you like those sweet peas." SweetPea replied. "Sorry not this one. I prefer Juggies." "Come on girl you can be on my mantle." Then Jughead stepped in. "I think the H*LL NOT!" He grabbed my hand and we walked to his dressing room. "a*sh*les" I mumbled under my breath. Juggie laughed at that comment. Then, walked over and whispered in my ear. "I love you Elizabeth." I was shocked he used my name. "And I love you, Forsyth." I whispered back. He kissed me softly, but then my legs where around his waist a we where kissing against the door.

Jughead's POV:
When the guys where hitting on her I thought they got her hints. Then, Reggie oh I about punched him. Betty and I walked back to my dressing room. I closed the door behind us so they wouldn't come in. "I love you Elizabeth." Using her first name to be serious. She was staring in to my eyes. "And I love you, Forsyth." The way she said my name made me happy I leaned down and kissed her. Then I was picking her up and putting her on the door. I was kissing down her neck when there was a knock in the door. Betty fixed her look so it looked like nothing happened, and I put my beanie back on. "Oh hi Jellybean" I said as I opened the door. "Hey Jug, Betty how did you like the lights?" Betty laughed "It was terrible." She said through laughs. "Huh, most girls would love that attention. I know I hate it." "Well Jellybean we are not most girls." I was shocked how much her and JB got along. "Well I let you two get back to it." "Bye Jellybean." "Bye Jug Bye Betty." We laughed and shut the door and went back to where we left off. Then another knock Betty got here outfit situated I put my beanie on."Hey Juggie." When Betty heard that her face red with anger, and I didn't like the way it sounded. It was Toni which made Betty get even more irritated

Betty's POV:
When I heard "Hey Juggie." I got mad then I saw it was Toni. My face of madness went to anger. Jug noticed this. "What do you want Toni?" He said a bit annoyed. "This." She said then kissed him and I lost it. "GET YOUR HANDS OFF HIM YOU BI*CH HE IS MY MAN!!!" She immediately looked at me. "And what are you gonna do if I don't." Juggie saw the look on my face, and grabbed my arms and put them behind my back, so I couldn't swing at her. "BI*CH YOU DON'T WANNA SEE WHAT I CAN DO!!!" "Toni leave now!" Juggie said trying to get me to calm down. She left and said. "Your girl is a psycho bi*ch" She said while standing the door. "Thank You!! Now go the H*LL away!" I said with a smile. Jug slammed the door in her face.

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