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Tae's grip tightened on the tray, he didn't know what to say

"Erm, Uh.. well ..haha.."
Was all Tae could say

Jimin Knew he had to help Tae so he quickly sat up

"OH!! Kookie!! I missed you!" Jimin said quickly getting out bed and hugging jungkook

Jungkook giggled "I missed you too hyung.."

Jimin chuckled while smiling at jungkook then looked at the both of them

"Let's watch a movie!"

Taehyung quickly nodded, he loves movies after all

"okay"  jungkook said "you two can wait for me down stairs I'm just going to change and follow you guys"

Jimin and Tae nodded as they left the room and jimin not forgetting to slap tae's ass on the way down stairs

"YAH!" Was all Tae said, he would be lying if he said he didn't like jimin touching him

After a few minutes, jungkook finished dressing up and saw jimin and Tae talking and laughing together which made him jealous

He just shrugged it off and walked to the them "let's watch the movie now.." was all he said

Tae and jimin nodded and sat as they watched the movie

The movie was pretty interesting But jungkook wouldn't stop looking at Tae and jimin because they would keep talking

He got jealous, really jealous so he sat on jimins lap wrapping his legs around jimins waist

"Hyuuuunggg~" jungkook whined

"Hm..?" Jimin replied as he looked at jungkook

Jungkook didn't waste a second before slamming his lips into jimins

Jimins smirked in the kiss "this is the perfect time to get my revenge on Tae" Jimin thought to himself

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