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After a few hours of getting ready the jikook couple finally arrived at taehyung's house

"Wow hyung that's taehyung's house?!" Jungkook said as he stared at the huge mansion

Jimin giggled as he looked at jungkook "hm.. yup... it sure is!" Jimin was really exited to see taehyung

The couple rang the doorbell waiting for the other to open the door

After a few seconds the door flew open with a tall handsome boy standing

"Uh.. May I ask where's taehyung?" Jimin asked looking at the boy

The boy just giggled "IM TAEHYUNG JIMINIE!!" Tae said as he looked at jungkook "KOOKIE!!"

Jimin just stood shook, "damn that glow up" Jimin thought still staring at Tae with widened eyes

"here we go again" jungkook thought as he looked at jimin and Tae

"JIMINIEE I MISSED YOUUUUU!!!!" Tae screamed as he jumped on jimin

"Can he like... back off or something this is making me jealous.." jungkook thoughts to him self as he death glared taehyung

This is ur gift for reading :')


"Daddy what if kookie comes .."

"Shh... he won't.."

"But daddy-"

"He won't"

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