Part 2 Regal Academy

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I looked over to the lady's desk,she checked her schedule '"Ok, can I call on Miss White? " she said,I twisted the end of my hair then the voice tumbled into my head "Yes!yes! That's me! "I shouted over to her and went over to her desk "alright, you can go in now" I rushed inside,I saw the the room was bright, stood there a smiling lady "Miss Marie White" she said "umm.
.....hiii"  "please sit down"she said to me I spotted a chair near her desk and sat in it,she sat in her big chair and she cleared her throat "Miss white, you have been in detention,your teacher said so,well I coyldn't help it if a student will miss all of his classes"she said, she took a paper  it has some words in it, she stamped it "take this with you, I'm sure they'll let you take your classes" she gave me the paper "thank you! Thank you!!!"I said, I jumped up and down,and hugged her "you must go" "Ok!" I rushed outside and went into my locker,I found a gold key on the handle of the locker, "hmm.... Is this the key for my locker? "  I put the key inside the lock and twist it it opened...but there was a smaller door "hmm?? Should I go in? " I went inside "it's harder than I thought" I said then I fell down "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Where in the Apple am I?!!!! " I closed my eyes then a dragon helped me th en I was saved! Whoop! Whoop!  Ahem... Anyway, back to the story so I was saved by a dragon which is super cool! Which is also weird but never mind!!!!but I am flying in a real dragon Sooooooo!!!! Cool! The dragon dropped me in a bunch of Cherry bushes by butt hurts I stand up to see a ceremony "wow, girls to come from bushes"a boy said "A lady that look like Snow white or something smiled at me "Ahh! Welcome Marie White! "she said I opened my mouth "Am I in a fairytale world?.........OH MY APPLE!!! CINDERELLA SNOW WHITE BEAST AND LEFROG AND ALSO RAPUNZEL!!!!!Eeeeeeeeekkkkkk!!! " I shouted!OMG this is the best day ever!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2018 ⏰

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