Chapter Four

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Mrs. Hudson and Mrs. Leigh seemed to became fast friends within minutes. I sipped my tea as they exchanged advice regarding household matters and then they delved into anecdotes about me. My face burned red, much to their amusement.

In the middle of our business, a bell rang insistently. “That will be Mr. Holmes,” Mrs. Hudson said, getting to her feet.

An idea hit, and I couldn't keep from smirking. “Let me make his tea, Mrs. Hudson!” I said, standing up. “I want to see if he can taste the difference!”

“Miss Serena!” Mrs. Leigh chided.

But Mrs. Hudson was smiling. She clearly remembered how I loved to test out Mr. Holmes' skills. “Very well, Miss,” she said, settling back down. “You prepare it and send it up with Emma.”

Grinning broadly, I hurried to the kitchen. The maid had already begun to get the necessary items around. She gaped at me as I went straight to where Mrs. Hudson's apron always hung. “M-miss!” she stammered as I tied the apron on. She stood with the cream in her hand, which was very nearly on the brink of falling to the floor. “What are you-?”

Not feeling like explaining, I smiled at the girl who couldn't have been much younger than me. “Thank you, Emma,” I said. “I shall be preparing Mr. Holmes' tea this morning. Please do not break Mrs. Hudson's tea set.”

She recovered herself in time to keep the cream from spilling out. Within minutes, as the water was already hot, I had the tea tray ready. Looking shaken, Emma picked up the tray and hurried out. I took off the apron and took a glance around the kitchen where I had spent so much time. It, too, was unchanged.

Sentimentality of a sort I knew Mr. Holmes would find ridiculous! I shook my head at my own foolishness and returned to Mrs. Hudson's sitting room to wait for Holmes' reaction.

It was not a long wait at all.

In fact, I had just sat down when a figure filled the doorway. “Miss Norton,” Sherlock Holmes said as Mrs. Leigh and Mrs. Hudson jumped to their feet with a  housekeeper's natural reaction. I roe more slowly, a pleased smile appearing on my face. “If I may have a moment of your time, I wish to consult you on a matter.”

Consult me? Well, that was unexpected. “Certainly,” I managed to respond. 

When Mrs. Leigh moved to accompany me, he held up his hand to stop her. “Your housekeeper need not accompany us,” he said, making poor Mrs. Leigh stare in astonishment. “Dr. Watson is also with me, therefore there be no concern for the propriety of the situation. Come, Miss Norton.”

Trusting Mrs. Hudson to calm Mrs. Leigh, I hurried along behind the consulting detective. He looked as he had when I last saw him six months previous. “A very terrible governess, then, Miss Norton?” Holmes asked as he led the way up the stairs.

My breath caught in my throat. I knew how he was and yet he could still astound me! “Why, yes,” I answered. “How did you-?”

“A young lady of your age would normally be trapped in a school room at this time of year. That you are not implies that you have a governess, for your parents are not ones to neglect your education. However, it is not a governess you escorted you here; it is your family housekeeper. Thus, I can only deduce that you dislike your governess,” Mr. Holmes responded, his tone matter of fact, and yet slightly smug.

A laugh bubbled up. “You have the right of it, Mr. Holmes,” I told him. “I have particular reason to dislike my current governess. She is quite opposed to a young lady using her mind and to punish me, burned all of your monographs.”

Stepping aside to let me through first, Mr. Holmes raised an eyebrow at me. “Indeed?”

“Miss Norton!” Dr. Watson exclaimed, coming towards me. “I didn't believe when Holmes said you had invaded Mrs. Hudson's kitchen! What brings you back to Baker Street? No further trouble, I hope.”

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