Chapter Five

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Mr. Holmes' case stayed on my mind. Even when Mrs. Stanhope scolded and berated me for having gone off, I barely heard, thinking about the death of the three young ladies. I was painting a watercolor, at my governess’ insistence, when it occurred to me that I hadn't considered what connected them besides the buttercup sketch.

Dropping the brush, I rushed for a paper to write it down before I forgot. Amelia Johanson and Lady Elisabeth had been friends. Had they known Emily Meyer as well? They must have.

“Miss Norton, what are you doing?” Mrs. Stanhope demanded.

What other friends would they have had? Perhaps they had even shared other acquaintances? My hand stilled, not finishing that question. Friends. That was it! In a circle of close friends, there were no secrets. I had often observed that such was the case at school. If these young ladies did not confide in their maids, they would have confided in their friends.

“You have not finished your work!”

“They will still be here in London,” I breathed, my mind racing. I had to send a message to Mr. Holmes! But, no. They would never tell him. They had to know by now that whatever secret they had was dangerous, and fear reprisal. A strange man would not get through to them. And Miss Johanson's parents had tried without success to reach her.

Suddenly, my cheek stung with pain. I recoiled, bringing my hand up to my cheek. Shocked, I looked at my governess. Her face was flushed as she lowered her own hand. She'd slapped me.

“I have dealt with difficult girls before, Miss Norton,” she informed me, her tone even. “I have never failed before. There is a specific role for a young lady, and I will make sure you will meet the requirements for it.”

“Y-you hit me!” I stammered. Anger filled me and I raised my chin. “I'm telling my parents! They will not stand for this!”

I had only taken a step when she laughed. “Do you think you will win, Miss Norton?” she asked. I spun to face her. “Do you know why parents, like yours, hire me? Someone well in years with experience from dozens of positions? Its because they have a rebellious child. A child who cannot be controlled by normal standards.”

“Difficult girls,” I snapped back, refusing to believe what she was trying to imply. My parents have never tried to control me! I was not a difficult girl! “Yes, I heard you. I fail to see what this all has to do with me.”

“A governess of my caliber grooms such difficult girls into proper young ladies,” she said, as though I hadn't spoken. “You may complain to your parents, but it will not help your cause in anyway. They have brought me in as a last resort because you are terribly independent. But you won't be by the time I am finished with you.”

No. It couldn't be true! “You're lying!” I accused. “My mother is proud I use my mind!”

“But is your father?” Mrs Stanhope challenged. She sat down and opened her book. “Certain women may fight for rights in this world, but men are the ones in control. In the end, it is your father's decision.”

Breathing hard, I stared at her. Jerking around, I stormed for the door. I could hear Mother downstairs, playing and singing, practicing for a performance. I couldn't bother her now. Father was gone, as he so often was now. I had no one.

Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. It calmed me slightly, but doubt, anger, and fear continued to make my stomach twist. Father and I had grown apart the older I became. He was the most disappointed by my antics. But would he have brought Mrs. Stanhope break me and my spirit?

The fact that I didn't know frightened me. Wrapping my arms around my waist, I hurried to my room. I sank onto my bed. “No wonder Mr. Holmes spoke against emotion,” I murmured. It was horribly distracting and made a mess of everything!

I had to focus on something else. I would leave Mrs. Stanhope' until I could deal with it sensibly. Mr. Holmes' case needed to be solved. Getting him more information to do that would give me something to do, and my mind could finally put to use everything I had learned from the detective. And I already knew what I had to do.

Simply put, I needed to figure out how to become the intimate friends of the debutantes of this season!


Locking myself into my room, I searched out everything that I would need for the evening. Dress, accessories, shoes. I already had a way to the night's event. No one would voice a complaint if I arrived with Mother for the performance. I just needed to make myself look a little older than my fourteen years as I doubted the debutantes would befriend anyone younger than themselves.

Spreading the evening dress out, I regarded it with dislike. Not only was the yellow color one I particularly detested, it had been made with the measurements taken when I had been confined by the tight corset. It was the only appropriate gown I had, though, and so I would have to wear it.

Getting into the garment was easier said than done. I finally had to call a maid to help. Now, more than ever, I understood the relationship between a mistress and lady's maid! Anyone who ties your corset everyday, and puts you in yours clothes should not be ignored. And the maid has total control when it comes to your hair.

It took some time to get myself completely ready. I found myself taking light, shallow breaths. “I hope I don't faint,” I said as I pulled on the long white gloves to complete my look.

“You look beautiful, Miss,” the maid said, looking envious.

Smiling, I studied my appearance and decided the beautiful was too generous a word. I made an inventory to make sure I had everything. Fan, on my wrist. Reticule with smelling salts and other necessary small items, also dangling by a string from my wrist. Well, I felt pen and pencil necessary and could think of no other way to carry them!

“The carriage has pulled up,” the maid warned me.

As quickly as I could, I left my room. Mother and Father were in the foyer already. Mrs. Stanhope was standing to the side, assuring them she would make sure I behaved. “Mother, Father!” I called out, slowing to glide down the stairs as a graceful young lady. “I was hoping I would be able to accompany you tonight.”

They turned to me and surprise filled their faces. I didn't dare look at my governess. “Serena!” Father exclaimed, walking towards me. “You look lovely.”

“You did not say anything earlier,” Mother said, sounding puzzled. I'd never gone to a private performance before or even shown an interest in doing so.

“I know,” I responded. “But, I would like to.”

I waited for their decision, hoping they would allow me the privilege. Otherwise, I would have to employ some kind of subterfuge.

Father leaned down and kissed my cheek. His mustache tickled my skin. “Certainly,” he said. “What a lady you are, Serena! I'm very proud of you.”

As my mind rejoiced to have succeeded, my heart fell. Father wanted me to be a lady, and he would attribute this to Mrs. Stanhope. Now, I did look over at my governess. She looked as though she was fuming, though I wasn't sure why. I looked like a proper young lady, just as she wished. I graced her with a smile as I followed my parents out.

Now, to see just how well my acting skills were!


Ioan Gruffudd as Godfrey Norton

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