Chapter 1

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7/1/2018 Update

Last year, my collaborator LordNitro decided not to continue the story for personal reasons and asked me to finish it. Since I was writing it with them, I obviously accepted. However, as we were rereading it the last days before I faced with that decision, we noticed that some things didn't make sense in the story, that accidentally we had posted again the same chapters and, more often than not, grammatical and spelling mistakes had been missed from our radars.

So, when I took the decision of finishing the story on my own, I decided to repost it, but not on top of the already written chapters, since my fear was to lose all those comments that made sense with it (curse me, I'm sentimental like that). So, if any of you see the title or chapters elsewhere, you don't come to me saying "someone is stealing your chapters" or "I read that before somewhere" or "are you copying someone?"

Please, enjoy this chapter and the ones coming after it!


Hi. I'm Percy Jackson. You know, Slayer of Kronos and stuff, right? Yeah, you thought my journey was over after Gaea? Hah, you wish! Here's what really happened after the war.


We were being rewarded for our roles in the war. Piper's dad became clear-sighted, so they could bond or something, Jason was able to spend time with Thalia, Leo was brought back and had Calypso. Nico was able to ask one favor from each Olympian which they had to follow through with. Hazel's curse was removed, Frank got his mom back. Annabeth had been given the job of remodeling Olympus, Camp Jupiter and Camp Half-Blood. As I bowed to the Olympians, my dad spoke.

"Perseus Jackson, my son. You have saved us once again, and we offer you the ultimate gift once more." Oh great.

"We offer you immortality. Godhood we offer, an Olympian God. Do you accept, Perseus?" Zeus asked. I thought. Annabeth and I didn't love each other anymore, my mom was going to be made a Goddess once she chose to, and there was no need to refuse. My friends would probably save us again and get the option.

"Yes." I said softly.

"Great, the brat's a God, yay." Dionysus groaned, drawling. Ares smirked. Aphrodite giggled.

"On one condition," I added, making Zeus gasp.

"You dare add a condition?!" He said, indignant.

"Yes, I do. Aphrodite needs to abstain from interfering in my love life, for a week, at least." I said. Zeus chuckled, but nodded.

"As you desire," As I was turned into a God, my eyes widened in shock. Power flew through me, as the three Fates appeared.

"Perseus Jackson, a Hero you are." Atropos spoke.

"A God now, and forevermore." Lachesis echoed.

"Of Life and Family, you are indeed. The Seasons you call, lieutenant of the Sea." Clotho finished.

"Hail Perseus Jackson, God of Life, Family, the Seasons and the Lieutenant of the Sea!" The three Moirai spoke in unison.

"But of Quests and Demi-Gods, he now is indeed." A fourth voice said, to the anger of the Moirai.

"Who dares?!" Atropos asked coldly.

A cold wind burst forth, as a woman with white as snow, curly and lush hair, appeared. Her skin was tanned nicely, like caramel. Her lips like garnets. Her grey eyes bore into each and every being, sending a chill, except for the Moirai. Her glittering one-strap body tight dress was a deep red color, like blood.

"I dare, Tropy." A pause. "Lachi, Clo-Clo, nice to see you again." The woman said with a grin.

"M-mother!" Lachesis and Clotho spoke.

"Ananke." Atropos said coldly. "You said you would delegate this universe to us." She said slowly.

"Yes, but you are making a horrible mistake. That's why I gave Percy here new titles and domains." She said, smirking. She patted Atropos's cheek before turning to the others. "Zeusy." Ananke paused and winked. "Anyways hons, I got to go. Zeusy, I'd keep an eye on your bolts, all of them for a while though. You all will be seeing more of me in the future." She said smirking. Zeus gawked as she disappeared.

"What does she mean, Moirai?!" Zeus roared.

"We know not. We are unable to touch the destinies or fate of Primordials unless mother says we can." Clotho and Lachesis said.

"Well." Poseidon said slowly. Atropos and the other moirai disappeared, angered by their mother. "Let's party!" Poseidon said, grinning.


Percy was mad. He felt a family just torn apart, and he let out a scream of pain. It felt like embers were burning through his veins, before attacking his heart.

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