Chapter 3

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"Who is Vetika?" Ares asked.

"Why is Vetika back? I thought she would take at least another hundred years to reform!" Athena muttered to herself.

"Athena." Ares tried, to no avail. The goddess kept pacing and muttering.

"Why now? How did she even get on Olympus?"

"Athena!" Ares tried, getting more angry.

"Shouldn't Artemis have killed her? How could she even best Ares and Perseu-"

"ATHENA!!!" Ares roared, snapping the grey-eyed goddess out of her daze.

"WHAT?!" Athena snapped.

"Who. Is. Vetika?!" He gritted out.

"Not now, I'm calling a meeting!" Athena said, grabbing Ares and Perseus, before flashing to the Throne Room. They took their seats.

Apollo was stumped, left at the arena. What just happened? He wondered, before flashing out as well, to his throne.


Zeus glared at his daughter. "What is it, Athena?"

"Vetika's back! She got into Olympus, managed to beat both Ares and Perseus in combat!" Athena blurted out, her gray eyes showing her internal panic. This garnered the attention of the elder Olympians.

"Who is Vetika?" Perseus asked, irritated.

"Vetika is a-" Hera began, before Zeus cut her off.

"No!" He boomed. "Vetika is off limits!"

"Father, I must know of my prey." Artemis said, gaining support from Ares and Apollo, whom also wished to hunt it.

"Vetika attacked my favorite son, who knows nothing of her to defend himself!" Poseidon hissed.

"Percy has a habit of making friends in the strangest of cases, perhaps he could do the same with Vetika if he knew about her?" Hera suggested.

"If Percy befriends Vetika, then her hope may return." Hestia agreed.

"Fine!" Zeus snarled, giving in.

Athena sighed sadly, as Poseidon began his story-telling. "Long ago, in Ancient Greece." He began...



Vetika once lived in a small village. She was a daughter of Mnemosyne and the first Son of Hecate. She had beautiful golden locks of hair, like that of honey. She had beautiful caramel tanned skin, as if kissed by Apollo's brilliant rays. She had crisp, plump red lips that would make even Ares jealous, and sky blue eyes like pools of crystalline ocean that would put both Poseidon's Oceans and Zeus's Sky to shame. She was beautiful, more so than Helen of Troy. Some had thought she was even more beautiful than Aphrodite!

She was renowned for being a powerful Magic user, even more potent than her father, having been able to somehow, use Godly magics, Titanic Magic and even Primordial Magic! It was fated by the Oracle of Lebadeia herself that she would become as strong, or even stronger than Lady Hecate herself, the Goddess of Magic!

Vetika had often visited the mortal weaver Arachne, and witnessed the conception of the competition between Pallas Athena and Arachne. She had been selected as a judge, along with a Priestess of Athena, Medusa, Medusa's two sisters, and Vetika's father.

Medusa, Stheno, Euryale, Vetika and Vetika's father had all chosen Arachne over the mighty Athena. Enraged, Athena cursed Arachne to become a Spider Centaur, before killing Vetika's father. She had cursed Vetika to become a true Scorpion. Before death, Vetika's Father had pleaded with Mnemosyne, his former lover, and his own mother Hecate, to save Vetika. The Titaness and Goddess heard his pleads and, though they could not remove Athena's curse entirely, were able to lessen it. Vetika became a Scorpion Centaur.

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