SPECIAL CHAPTER: Percy/Artemis!genderbent - Relative Time

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"Hahahahaha!!" The evil laugh taunted Percy Jackson, who was trying to get up after the last attack. Percy was glad none of his friends or girlfriend was around to see him at the moment. He had accepted to do this quest for Chiron, who told him that a great danger was in the city. Percy never doubted the old centaur, but he was beginning to think that there couldn't be anything worst than a millennial sorceress with a terrible sense of fashion and a taunting smile. If she was planning on attacking the city the same way she was attacking Percy, he feared everyone would scared out of their minds.

Because wearing a dress- no a kilt, nor a skirt, a dress! -would be the doom of the men around the world.

"You think this is funny?!" He gritted his teeth, finally up from the floor. The dress was a flowery pattern on top of a dark blue base. It would have looked great on any girl, but Percy wanted to tear it apart imediately! No one was allowed to mock him like this! "No real woman would be caught in this dress if they had a choice!!" While insulting Medea's fashion taste was bad, Percy thought it would be worst if someone ever sees him like this!

"You know nothing, Perseus Jackson... You wouldn't recognize a real woman even if she was staring at you..." Percy frowned, but looked away, away from Medea's voice. Apparently- not that Percy knew something -, she was obsess into fetching a demigod to herself, after her last attempt to Jason didn't work, thanks to Piper. However, Percy didn't have a Piper next to him and the resolve in his mind was fading the more Medea talked. "Join me, young demigod... What have the gods done for you?" She taunted him, smirking, while Percy focused his attention on getting rid of the dress, who was expanding and attaching to his body. "I can make you bigger than even Zeus... Take my offer-"

"Not tonight, sorceress!" Another female voice came to rescue Percy from his dilemma. Looking up, he saw a flash of silver hitting Medea's side and the monster sorceress hissed. "Never thought I'd say this, but you look good in a dress, young Perseus..." Percy blushed, but managed to focus on his savior. It was someone he didn't expect to see, especially helping him out. "Surprised to see me, young hero?"

"Artemis... You fool!" Medea screeched at her. Artemis, standing in front of Medea, forgot about Percy for a moment and, weapon ready, wasn't intimidated by her words. "You should had followed the path of the sorcery, you would had been so powerful rather than follow petty males!" Artermis' gaze upon her steeled and she frowned, arming her bow with an arrow.

"I don't follow any male." She stated, before firing the arrow. However, Medea was in the middle of a spell and, when Artemis' arrow hit her in the middle of her chest, the energy of whatever spell she was planning to release, exploded in waves, tossing both Percy and Artemis on their backs, onto the floor, making them unconscious for several minutes.


Artemis was the first up from the two.

And boy, she did not like what she saw.

As vain as Medea was, the sorceress had installed mirrors around her private rooms and that's where Artemis checked first. She was sure she had seen the sorceress disappear in a cloud of dust, but you could never be sure. Plus, Artemis could recognize a spell when chanted, so she figured Medea was planning a nasty surprise for them to face.

The idea of checking Perseus never crossed her mind. Never mind who, a male will always be a male and nothing could make them see differently. Artemis had growled when her brother had asked the favor, leaving her Hunters in order to save a male?! Apollo must have been insane. However, when her lieutenant heard the name of the male, she was willing to jump to save him. Artemis argued with her, only for Thalia to point out something important.

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