First day of school....

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Here goes the first chapter. Happy reading!:)

Love , care , respect and support in friendship can't be measured.
It's  a beautiful bond between the two , to be treasured!
               ~ Anonymous~

                           The corridor of the school was silent and peaceful without much students except two or three walking to their classes with their school bags. As Maryam walked on the corridors passing the classes , she found them empty as there was still thirty minutes left for the prayer to begin. She entered her new class and found it very silent except the noise of the birds chirping which has nestled on the big tree infront of the building. She sat on a second row and waited for others to arrive. And very soon , the class was flooding with lively teenage girls and the chatters of her classmates were echoing around the classroom. Maryam listened to them silently with a smile on her face . She was happy to be back to school and was ecstatic for the new academic year to start. While listening to her classmates , Maryam's eyes often drifted towards the classroom's door and were longing to see a person to be standing there opening her arms widely for a hug.

But still , there was no sign of the one , she was so desperately waiting for. She hadn't met her since their board results which was two months back. Everyone started chattering about how they spent their summer holidays and there was a permanent smile plastered on everyone's face. Maryam waited patiently for the person to arrive and yet there was no sign . And very soon , a sound from the intercom was echoing and all the students were asked to assemble in the auditorium for the common prayer. All the girls gathered in the hall and as the prayer was about to begin , Maryam heard a laughter from her back .

As Maryam turned to wish her ,

Noha shouted , "statue" , in her ear and began laughing.
Maryam froze in her place and her expression turned goofy.
"Move" said Noha failing to control her laughter.

It's a game they started playing since their childhood where the one who says 'statue' to the other first has the perk of making them freeze whenever and where ever they want . If they dont comply , they get punches in return. It's a common game in the school played by most of the students.

Noha started blabbering all her summer wonders to Maryam , who like everytime heard her out and she started sharing her summer too.
Soon , the hall went silent and the school prayer started.
The principal then welcomed all the students back with a positive smile .
The school was lively with all the students , and the bell for the first class rang and the students started running for the classes as they do not want to be punished on the first day for being late.

Both Noha and Maryam sat at the back bench of the class . The two started talking and were happy to be back to school. Very soon , the class teacher , a stout lady with a stern expression announced her arrival . On seeing her , everyone got rigid and sat like a statue the whole hour , listening to her instructions and rules . The bell for the second class rang and as the teacher left the class , everyone released a breath they were holding god knows for how long.

The next hour came and went with the introduction of teacher to students . And each students were asked to give their intro to the teacher. And most of the classes went by with introductions and the students were let free as it was only the first day.

As Maryam and Noha were sitting and chatting , they found Carol and  Elena joining their conversation and the four started chatting animatedly. Carol and  Elena shared the moments they spent in their cousin's wedding (Carol and Elena are cousins) . Carol joked about a boy who was hitting on Elena in the wedding and they all started laughing at Elena's expense.
Very soon , they started singing loudly which they usually do whenever they get free classes. This are the moments which Maryam so wanted to cherish and save it forever. She love hanging out with her friends in school if not outside of the school. Carol and Elena are good friends who are carefree and have a great personality.

Lunch came by , and another game , 'the guessing game' started in which everyone has to guess other's lunch correctly....

Noha asked Maryam , " guess , what I've got for lunch today" ,
Maryam said , " clue please" ,
Noha told her , "it's my favourite" .
Maryam then yelled , "fried rice!!!!".
Noha just grinned sheepishly for her right answer.
Maryam inturn gave her a victorious smile .

The cafeteria was buzzing with all the teenagers moving everywhere and trying to find a seat.
Maryam's eyes roamed and landed on a person who was sitting two tables away from her. Noha nudged Maryam and gave her a teasing smile , and coughed loudly to catch the attention of everyone on the table.
She then loudly asked Maryam, batting her eyelashes  , "Are you waiting for any specific person to feed you your lunch?"
Maryam gave her a death glare and faked a sweet smile and said ,"no" to which Noha just laughed loudly and stucked her tongue out.
The whole of the lunch hour , Noha kept teasing Maryam to which Maryam just shrugged her teasing off but deep down she love being teased by Noha.
She love every single moment spent with her .

Very soon , the day ended and Maryam found herself sitting on her bed writing the day's events in her diary . She felt contented and peace surrounded her heart.
She then dispersed from her room on the call of her mother to have dinner .
After dinner , she found her mobile lighting up with a notification indicating a message from Noha . Automatically , a smile lighted her face . The message read ,

N : Good night. My dreams :p

M : you don't want me to sleep , huh? >•<

N : yeah. I'll haunt you in your dreams ;p

M : then see you in my dreams :)


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