The birthday....

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Here I am with another chapter .....
Happy reading :)

           Love ,care ,support and respect in a friendship can't be measured . It's a beautiful bond between the two , to be treasured!

               The ringing of alarm clock sounded melancholy to the girl having sweet dreams. The alarm clock rang continuously . As Noha got up to shut it off , she checked the time and jumped out of the bed , sprinting off to the bathroom .
The sound of her mother calling her name echoed around the house .
She then soon joined her elder brother on the table to have breakfast.
She knowingly ruffled his styled hair and earned a scowl from him.

Noha just laughed at his  brother and went on to stuff her mouth as she was getting late to school. Her brother , Sa'ad gave her side glances and when she looked at him , he just pretended to eat his breakfast!
Noha looked at him suspiciously and when he lifted his eyes to look at her , he found himself getting caught!

Noha perked her eyebrows to ask him what he wanted . Sa'ad just gave her a sheepish smile and mumbled , "Happy birthday ".

Noha cupped her ears with her hands and asked ," whaa..aaaat?  I can't hear you!" , and smiled teasingly.

She love teasing her brother . Both have a weird bonding , they never show their love for each other . They fight a lot! And not a day passes by for them , without  having a single fight! But Noha knows , no matter how much they fight , they both will have each other's back .

Sa'ad just glared at her and hurriedly wished her again and sprinted towards the door. Noha just laughed and shouted a "thank you" .

Very soon , Noha left her house after wishing her mum. On her way to school , as she was driving , a motor bike was about to tackle her vehicle. At time , she pulled the brake and her car jerked  halting immediately.  She looked at the owner of the motor bike to find a guy of her age smirking at her.
She looked at him with terror in her eyes and scowled at him for almost hitting her car. She's so obsessed with her baby car that she'll never think of anyone hurting it. But now , a guy was about to hit it with his stupid bike. The angry Noha just ignored the guy and hurriedly started her car and drifted speedily towards her school as she was getting late.

Noha was late again and she found all her classmates assembled in the hall for the common prayer. Like always , she went forward and started searching for Maryam .

As she was looking for Maryam , she heard a screeching noise from behind .
" HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! " , yelled Maryam . And she gave her a big bear hug.
Noha's smile widened at her friend's words and actions and she hugged her back tightly. Soon , the hugging session was cut off as the prayer was started.

Soon after the prayer ,everyone started wishing Noha and the smile on Noha's face got fixed permamnently.

All of a sudden , the class went silent at the sight of the principal standing at the door. Everyone's attention was caught by the guy standing next to the principal with his backpack.

The principal entered the class and started introducing the new guy ,Fateh. The principal welcomed the guy with a small smile and asked him to have a seat wherever he want and left the class.

Fateh's eyes scanned the class and he was shocked to see the girl he so happened to hit almost , on his way to school. The playful smirk found it's way automatically on his lips .

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2019 ⏰

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