Chapter Three

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Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Wolf or any of its characters

           I glance at Kira from across the schoolyard as she makes her way towards me. Shrugging my Vintage Chanel log rucksack up my shoulder I stand by the tree waiting for her. I look down at my red ankle converse that I paired with jean knee-shorts and a muscle tank top that said coca cola. Playing with one of my low pigtails, I look over my shoulder as I hear Scott say something.

"Okay, so what happens to a person who has a near-death experience and comes out of it seeing things?" Scott asks his little group. There was Lydia Martins, Allison Argent, and Issac Lahey on one side of the wooden table and Stiles Stilinski and Scott on the other. I look forward, at the ground to make it seem like I'm not listening.

"And is unable to tell what is real or not?" Stiles adds.

"And is being haunted by demonic visions of dead relatives?" Allison asks.

"They're all locked up because they're insane." Issac says and I shake my head as an idea of to what could be happening pops into my head.

"Ha. Can you at least try to be helpful, please?" Stiles asks.

"for half of my childhood I was locked in a freezer. So, being helpful is kind of a new thing for me." Issac says and my eyes widen and I look over to them and begin to approach them.

"Hey, dude, are you still milking that?" Stiles asks as Scott lays his head down on the table and Issac replies. "Yeah, maybe I am still milking that."

"Hi. Hi, sorry. I couldn't help overhearing what you guys were talking about." I say interrupting Stiles and Issac. Everyone looks up at me, including Scott who lifted his head faster than I could blink. "And I think I might actually know what you're talking about."

They all look at me, waiting for me to continue.

"There's a Tibetan word for it. It's called "Bardo." I say giving a awkward smile as I continue to fiddle with my hands. "It literally means in between state. The state between life and death."

"And what do they call you?" Lydia asks with a slight rude tone.

"Amaya." Scott answers looking at me and I shoot a smile his way as everyone looks at him. Scott looks at Stiles. "She's in our History class." And I look down. He remembered my name and didn't call me Kira, that's a first.

"So are you talking Bardo in Tibetan Buddhism or Indian?" Lydia asks looking up at me and I sit down next to Stiles.

"Either, I guess. But all the stuff you guys were just saying? All that happens in Bardo." I say and look to Stiles and Scoot. "There are different progressive states where you can have hallucinations. Some you see, some you just hear. And you can be visited by peaceful and wrathful deities."

"Wrathful deities? And um, what are those?" Issac asks rubbing his chin.

"Like Demons." I say smiling that I actually and talking to people besides my sister.

"Demons, Why not?" Stiles asks.

"Hold on, if there are different progressive states, then whats the last one?" Allison asks looking at me.

"Death." I say with a shrug. "You die." Everyone's eyes widen and I glance behind Scott to see Kira trying to get my attention. "Um, I've gotta go talk to my sister." I get up grabbing my bag, which caught Lydias's eyes, but before she could ask about it I walked over to my sister, prepared to do homework with her.


The bell rings loudly and I walk in happily. Last night, the night of the day I explained Bardo to Scott and his friends, I had spent at least three hours researching Bardo for Scott... and his friends. I walk up to Scott and smile.

"Hi, I'm Amaya. You knew that, I knew you knew that. I dont know why I just told you that again, I mean we work together so of course you know my name. And now I rambling." I ramble out and Scott smiles. "Anyway. I have something for you."

"For me?" Scott asks as I take my dark grey aztec backpack off and open it. I had two backpacks, my black one was at home.

"Yeah. About the Bardo. My explaination was sorta all over the place, so I did some research and I printed it out for you." I explain as I look through my bag. Scott chuckles and rubs tha back of his neck.

"Uh, you didnt have to do that." Scott says and I look up.

"It only took a couple hours." I say and look back down in my bag.

"Wow. Then you really didnt have to do that." Scott says as I look through some papers.

"I swear I printed it out." I exclaim and turn around when my dad calls my name.

"Amaya. You forgot all that research you did for that boy you said was reeeeally cute" My dad says handing it to me and my eyes widen as I take the papers. My dad smiles and nods walking away. I turn around slowly and hand the opened mouthed Scott the papers as I look down. Scott takes them smiling and I look at him smiling awkwardly before sitting down holding my head in my hands as my dad begins to teach. Thank you dad!

I look back to see my sister give me a sarcastic thumbs up, to which I mouth 'shut up', rolling my eyes. Glancing to the front I smile lightly as I see Scott look through the papers. Shifting my eyes to Stiles who was walking towards the reading stand. I watch as he looks down at the book, whispering something to himself. He grips the stand tightly, looking up at the class and Scott closes his papers before standing.

"Stiles? You okay?" Scott asks and walks forward as Stiles begins to breathe heavily. "I should take him to the nurse's office." My Dad nods and they walk out of the classroom.

For the rest of class I fiddle with the buttons of my purple jean vest that was placed over my grey t-shirt. I had paired that with my grey TOMS and purple Aztec leggings, hence the reason I took my Aztec backpack today. I also had my hair tied up into a bun, showing my dark grey earrings.

As the bells rings, everyone shoots out of the class including Kira, but my eyes land on Scott and Stiles backpacks. I pick them up and begin to walk towards the halls as they clear out and I walk through a pair of doors, stopping when I see a Coyote at the top of the steps. My eyes widen and the coyote begins to snarl at me.

"Oh my God." I say as the coyote growls runs towards me. I drop whom I believe was Stiles bag and run into the boys locker room. I drop the Scott and I's bag closing the door as I run around the mesh lockers and crouch behind the the very last row of lockers, breathing heavily.

I hear glass shatter and I place my hand over my mouth to control my panting. It's quiet as the coyote looks for me. I hear growling from behind me and glance around it seeing the coyote growling and snarling I start gasp, pulling my head back I stand up ready to run.

I walk backwards, away from the growling and feel a hand grasp my shoulder. I turn around quickly seeing Scott. He pushes me behind him before slamming his hand into the lockers, causing them to fall down. the coyote growls, but its more faint. I follow behind Scott as he moves forward, looking around for the coyote.


"Dad, seriously, I'm okay." I say to my dad as from my spot, leaning against the wall.

"Why were you not headed to lunch like everyone else?" My dad asked and I looked up at him.

"They left their bags. I was just trying to do something nice." I say and look away from him. "You do something nice and you make friends. Or so I've heard." My dad looks down at me more sympathetic this time but begins a lecture on how I should be more careful, but I look over his shoulder as a scene unfolds in front of me.

Mr.Tate exclaims about finding the coyote angrily before leaving. I watch as Scott looks to Stiles and I glance back up at my father.

"Lets go." My dad say and walks out of the room and I follow glancing back at Scott and Stiles.

All I wanted to do was make some friends.

A/N: Another Update. What did you guys think? Please give me any feedback you have. I will take any constructive criticism. I know its kinda short and I'm sorry.

Vote/Comment/Follow please (:

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