Thegirls head roughly north from Carton, intent on making their waythrough a forest to help hide their trail. They walk together,Danahlia holding the map at different angles while Twinkaleni pointsout entries of interest from her book, reading aloud the descriptionsof plants, animals, and monsters. Whenever an interesting plantcatches her eye, Alice asks if it's mentioned in the book. Manyare, and the trio's confidence in their ability to live off theland is bolstered every time they manage to identify somethingedible. Alice picks many of these edible plants and flowers so thegirls can sample them. Though most are not particularly appetizing,they find it fun to try the abundant local flora. As they walk, thelandscape steadily becomes woodier, the distance they can seedwindling as trees replace fields and the sun begins to descend.
Underan orange tinted sky, the girls settle down for the night. With theirsupply of ready-to-eat foods, there is no need for a fire so they sittogether, eating and drinking from their stores. Despite the day longwalk, Twinkaleni is still reading from her book until the last raysof light finally get her to stop. They make beds of the thick lushgrass and pillows of their packs. The late summer air is still plentywarm, letting sleep claim the tired adventures quickly.
Inthe night, something disturbs Alice's rest. A faint noise, quietbut nearby, it sounds like voices. She groans, her eyes heavy andbody sluggish, as she forces herself to move. It should be pitchblack at this hour she knows but is surprised to find that she cansee. Subtle green light is just visible through the long grassesaround her. Alice struggles to push herself up on her elbows to peerover it and finds the light is coming from a green core stone. It'ssitting on Danahlia's chest, while Twinkaleni cradles the largergirl's head in her lap, the Murin saying something in a soothingwhisper that's too faint for Alice to make out.
Shetries to speak but only mumbles, alerting the other two. She triesagain groggily asking, "What's, what's goin' on?"
Danahliasniffs wetly, "Nothing, just, just go back to sleep, ok?" Hervoice is uncharacteristically subdued.
Aliceis about to inquire further but Twinkaleni adds, "It's alright,Alice. Everything is just fine."
"Youstill have a core?" Alice asks, looking at the uncommonly brightsphere.
"Yes,the one I enchanted. Now go back to sleep, we have another long walkahead," the mouse mage says.
Visionand mind still blurry from sleep, Alice settles back down and driftsoff once more.
Thefollowing morning's breakfast is a strangely silent affair. Aliceis curious about the goings on of last night but isn't sure sheshould ask. When they begin walking again, the trio carries on asthey usually do, Danahlia singing a little tune to herself abouttraveling a few steps ahead of the other two. Twinkaleni keeps pacewith Alice while looking at her book, though less talkative thanusual. Alice, prone to curiosity, wrestles with how best to inquireabout what she saw.
Sheis about to try to broach the subject, when Twinkaleni whisper, "Shestill has nightmares."
"What?"Alice whispers back.
Twinkalenilooks up from her book to the Liguna, replying, "About the nighther family was taken from her, among other things."
On The Run
خيال (فانتازيا)Volume 2 of the Alice Dippleblack series. Learning of an agent sent after Twinkaleni from the dreaded Order of Thermathrogi, Alice and her friends have left the pixie forest in an effort to put as much distance between themselves and the mage hunter...