Hours pasted has Gabriel sat against that china cabinet piecing together that skull. The sun was starting to sink staining the sky orange, yellow, pink, and red. The skull was almost done now. Only a few more pieces sat scattered in Gabriel's lap. The skull was sitting to the right of him. A bullet sized hole sat just above were the spinal cord should be. Small fragments of pieces were starting to fit themselves together in Gabriel's hands. Picking the skull up carefully Gabriel fitted the last pieces into the hole. Watching them mend together he turned the skull around to face him.
He placed the skull on the floor and pulled himself up to his feet. Bending down to pick the skull back up he placed it on the top of the china cabinet facing the open window and kicked the box back under. Looking over to the only not boarded up window, Gabriel looked back around the now even dimmer room. Looking to the opening in the wall which led out of the room he was in, he walked over to the opening he stepped inside the new room.
Looking around he noticed a table sitting in the middle of the floor with four chairs around it. The kitchen Gabriel thought. There was only one window in the kitchen and it sat over what might be the sink. Making his way across the kitchen Gabriel made sure that he didn't run into anything or knock anything breakable over. Reaching the window he pulled back the moth eaten crimson red curtains and looked outside. The moon was full an orange, a harvest moon. The moons light peaked through the branches of the dead trees creating shadows that danced across the lifeless grass. The night was quiet only a few lone clouds raced each other through the sky. Stars twinkled and winked down at the earth talking silently to each other. Nothing moved through the dead woods. Every animals was tucked deep in there den or borrow asleep.
Keeping the curtains open Gabriel moved back into the heart of the kitchen. Inside the kitchen sat an overturned fridge, rusting sink, and pots and pans sitting about. Some sat right-side up and others were turned on their sides. Moving through the kitchen Gabriel made his way through a small hallway. Pictures hung along the walls. To Gabriel it felt like the people in the pictures were turning their heads to get a better look at him watching the intruder make his way through their house, touching their things, exploring their secrets. Doorways drilled themselves into the sides of the hallway, their open mouths reviling the things that sat inside their stomachs, they beckoned Gabriel in, to explore, to get swallowed by his curiosity.
The end of the hallway galloped closer to him. A brown door sat at the end of the long hallway, its doorknob had long ago fallen off and rolled away. The only sound in the house was the soft echo of his footsteps on the fraying carpet. The door loomed closer. Soon Gabriel stood right in front of the wooded door. Scorch marks scared its face. Shifting his weight from foot to foot the hairs on the back of Gabriel neck stood at attention. Something wasn't right about that room. Something nasty waited right behind the door, waiting, watching, and listening. Looking for its next victim to come skipping in. Pushing the scared door open with the tips of his fingers Gabriel looked around, this was the room in which part of the roof had fallen in. it looked like this was a bedroom. A master bedroom, under parts of the roof sat a king sized bed it covers ripped and dusted, making it hard for him to see what color they were. Also inside the room was a dresser with a shattered mirror. A closet sat in the far right corner of the room its door hanging off its hinges...
"Gabriel!" a voice called through the house. Gabriel froze one foot inside of the doorway and the other one still outside, "Yeah you Gabriel, the one with amber eyes, and brown hair! Salon hates people going in her and James room! I suggest you come out." The voice continued.
"He-hello?" Gabriel stammered into the hallway, turning around so his back was facing the open doorway. "W-who's there?" he asked
"I could hear you walken', learn to walk lighter Kid," The voice muttered sounding annoyed "Come back into the front room Gabriel," The Voice said again this time its tone is not as strained or irritated.
"Coming," Gabriel said moving forward not wanting to annoy this voice any more than he already had. Where is this 'voice' coming from? Gabriel thought to himself and how does it know my name and what I look like?
Moving silently through the kitchen Gabriel emerged through the doorway that led to the front room and looked around. He saw the grandfather clock, the open window, and the skull all sitting were he left it.
"Hello? Gabriel over here Kid." The voice said, Gabriel spun around and looked into the kitchen. "No, behind you'' the voice said again turning slowly Gabriel looked around the room once more.
Something was wrong.
The skull was turned to face him when Gabriel remembered leaving it facing the open window.
"Hello?" Gabriel whispered into the room,
"Speak up Kid! Not all of us have real ears!" The skull screamed at him.
I'm Not Insane I Swear
KurzgeschichtenGabriel Harris is dead. Shhhh, he doesn't know this... When Gabriel finds an old abounded house that has a skull in a box siting under a china cabinet will he finally find out the truth? Or will he just keep running? {Complete}