Chapter 4: Cold shoulder

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'Just with your Joy'

Third Person POV

Jimin sat in silence as he processed the answer to his question. The man sat a mere few feet away from him was a mafia boss? No way. Well, if he was going to be honest with himself, everything did add up. The only thing making him doubt him was the fact that he was still alive and currently being taken somewhere in a luxurious car.

He was knocked out of his thoughts once again by his head hitting the window due to Suga's manic driving. The black car behind them was still chasing them and Jimin was starting to panic a little due to the worried look on Suga's face.

"We're gonna have to take a detour I'm afraid sweetheart. Hold on."

Jimin didn't hesitate in following the orders as he sat right back in the leather sports seat, holding onto anything he could for dear life. Suga ragged the car round multiple sharp twists and bends hoping to lose their tail but they were still following close behind. Suga sighed to himself, trying to think of where to go. The cliff side was his best bet.

Taking another sharp turn, they pulled out onto a thin road on a cliff side. The road was long and winding, meaning that if he was going to loose them, now was the time.

"Jimin, lower your seat right back!"

Jimin looked at Suga as if he was crazy.

"Lower your seat right back. So you are practically laying down."


"Just do it!"

Jimin listened to the demand and a within a few seconds, loud bangs were heard against the glass.

Bullets. That's what was hitting the window. Dozens of tiny bullets being fired at the glass from the car at their side that was previously following them. Jimin just sat there in shock as he stared at the mesmerising sight of the bullets ricocheting of the glass.

"It's bulletproof glass but I'd rather not take the risk of having one of those bullets getting lucky and piercing that pretty head of yours."

Jimin turned his gaze towards an unaware Suga, currently caught up in trying to lose the car next to him. For the first time since he'd met him, he felt like he was now meeting the real Suga. Not the act put up to get people to say what he wants them to and etc. No, this was truly him. Someone who...cared. He made Jimin move his seat back so that he wasn't danger, even though the car was already bulletproof. Maybe there was something more to this Mafia boss. A side no one else knew.

"Jimin hold on!"

Jimin snapped out of his daydream and focused on trying to stay alive. The car next to them had stopped firing at them and was now instead ramming itself into the side of them. Jimin was getting a lot of the impact but nothing too bad. The car was luckily taking most of the force from the other car.

"I'm gonna try and lose them. Just hold on tight!"

Jimin have a small nod as Suga looked at him through the mirror quickly before returning his focus to the road. Suga accelerated with great speed, pulling away from the black car as they approached a narrow bend in the road. Suga had to reach that bend before them so that he could push them into the cliff side.

Everything seemed to be going to plan, Suga gaining ground on the other car. That was until the other car threw one last hit at Suga's car. However, this time, it directly hit Jimin due to the angle of Suga's car.


Jimin let out a loud pained scream as the metal of the car hit against his body.


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