Chapter 39: Realisations

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'Just let me love you'

Third Person POV

Jimin swept his slightly sweaty hair back as he continued in the struggle of trying to put his clothes back on in the back of a car. Taking them off was far easier. Somehow, Yoongi had already gotten dressed pretty easily, leaving Jimin flustered at his half naked appearance.

Yoongi couldn't help but stare in adoration at Jimin. For some reason, no matter what Park Jimin did, it always seemed to bring a smile to his face and a sense of warmth to his heart. It was new and unexpected but welcomed. He was the piece Yoongi didn't know he was missing, but now he had found him, he wasn't going to let him go. If he'd learnt anything from today, it was that he needed to focus on Jimin more, giving him the attention and love that he deserved so that no matter what happens, he'd know how Yoongi felt about him.

Feeling Yoongi's stare on him, Jimin looked over to him, smiling slightly at Yoongi's soft expression.

"Enjoying the view?"

Smirking as he scooted closer, Yoongi placed his arms around Jimin's waist.


As Yoongi slowly traced kisses down Jimin's neck, Jimin tried his hardest to stop themselves from getting carried away again.

"Yoongi, we need to go inside...we can't hide in here forever."

Yoongi halted his actions, realising that Jimin had figured out his reason for being there with him. It was true. Yoongi didn't want to go back into the house. He didn't want to have to see the look on his best friend's face again that he had already branded into his memory. The way his eyes weld up as he saw Jin. The anger creeping under his skin as he looked at Yoongi with an expression that could only be described as one of blaming. He blamed Yoongi for what had happened to his partner, and so did Yoongi himself. He'd slipped up, letting his personal emotions and anger for his sister get in the way of protecting the man he loved and his dear friend. And because of that, he nearly lost both of them.

Jimin could see the guilt in Yoongi's eyes. The way he couldn't look directly at Jimin for long and the tears peering over the edge giving all the signs. Jimin knew that he couldn't blame himself, they were outsmarted but of course, Jimin didn't know what had happened on the other side of the communications so comforting Yoongi became a lot harder.

Unable to think of what words to say, Jimin slowly pulled Yoongi in to lay against his chest slightly, his hand slowly running through his hair to calm him down. Yoongi sighed at the touch, feeling all the emotions Jimin was putting into their embrace. He knew no matter what, Jimin would standby him. And that's all he needed to know.

Feeling ready to face everyone inside, Yoongi pulled away slightly to lean up and place a delicate kiss against Jimin's lips, savouring the sensation one last time before going into the lions' den. Pulling away, Yoongi's eyes met with Jimin's comforting ones, helping him slightly with the rise of anxiety in the pit of his stomach.

"Let me finish getting ready, then we'll go in..."

Grabbing Yoongi's hand, Jimin squeezed it slightly as a sign of loyalty to him and comfort.


(In the house whilst Yoonmin escaped to the car for some...comforting fun)

Namjoon pulled at his hair in frustration, unsure of what to do. He was angry. Angry at the bastard that did this to the man he loved. Angry that Yoongi's stupidity had let this happen. Angry that he had also let it happen. He felt he should've put more effort in protecting his family, even if it meant going against his best friend and boss. He had gotten himself wrapped up in the messy web that was Yoongi's personal problems and let his own priorities slip back into the distance.

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