Recklessness (Part 2)

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I'm out drinking. I know such a big surprise... I was trapped in my mind. I couldn't stop beating myself up inside. I guess that's why I drink so much. It's is the only way I know how to forget. To stop me from hurting myself. To numb my brain just enough to make it shut up. This last month has just been one regretful decision after another. I pushed my boyfriend to a breaking point, then I pushed my boss until he fired me. I don't have any friends that are willing to hang out with me anymore because I get way too drunk.

I don't have anyone anymore

and no one wants me.

As I keep basking in my regretful memories, pain strikes my heart. I can feel it as it cuts through my heart like a hot knife. I drink my beer quick to try and numb the pain once more. As I walk out to leave, I accidentally bump into a man. He was very buff. He had overgrown stubble, not quite a beard but long stubble.

"Hey watch it!" He shouts out at me.

I continue to walk, ignoring all shouts that are aimed at me from the man. "Hey!" The man shouted once again but this time he grabbed my arm.

I am yanked back, stumbling, thankful I'm able to regain my footwork but soon after I am greeted with a face in mine. "I was speaking to you, you rude bastard!" The man shouted in my face. I continued to ignore him. His voice was muffled. I was like there was some sort of blanket over his voice that made his voice not as loud. He seems to be upset about the lack of response I gave him since he continued to scream. I continued to try and get away from him, but I couldn't due to the iron grip he had on my arm. Suddenly, I felt all the air knocked out of me; the man had punched me straight in the diaphragm. I groaned, sliding down the wall I was pinned to.

I gasped for air, trying to regain my breath along with my footing. He then started to kick me in the stomach and on my sides. I tried to get up but failed multiple times before finally about to make some sort of defensive move. As he went to kick me, I caught his foot causing him to trip. I took this chance to get up and run out of the club. I ran and pushed through people as I try to make my way to the exit.

I hurry out of the club and through the people, but once the hoards of people spread out I get stopped. There is a hand on my arm. The grip on my arm is way too familiar. I look to see who is holding me and I'm met with his eyes.

"Jaebum," He says softly. All I can do is look at him with hurt eyes. It's not his fault that I'm hurting because my behavior caused him to leave, but a lot my pain traces back to him.

"Jinyoung! Come on!" A man yelled out getting both of our attention. He knew Jinyoung. Who was he? A friend? A boyfriend? I didn't know for sure but since I was so mentally unstable I jumped to conclusion. I looked back at Jinyoung with eyes of betrayal. How could he have moved on so quickly? I know we fought a lot, but I thought our relationship meant more. I mean we together for more than 3 years. I felt so hurt that he would just move on. Does he not hurt like I do? I yanked my arm out of his grasp and walked away. I was so angry that I let myself be in this much pain.

As I walked, I tried to calm myself done. I wasn't drunk enough to completely lose myself, but I was damn near. I started to walk along the street. I continued walking down the long, busy street. As I walked, I observed the groups of people that were filled with laughter. I try to remember the last time I laughed. The last time I truly laughed, but nothing comes to mind from any of my recent memories. I let myself go under and I wasn't sure if I could resurface. A half an hour of my aimless walking came to an end went I decided to finally call it a night.

'I just walk to go home' I thought.

I pulled out my phone and was about to call an uber but I was interrupted by a shout that got my attention.

"HEY!" I turned and saw the man from the club I had gotten into an argument with. Except this time, he had 3 friends on behind him. 'FUCK ME' I thought. In that moment I slipped my phone back into my pocket and took off sprinting. I rushed through the people, pushing and shoving.


'For some big men, they are pretty good runners.'

I thought it would be smart to lose them in an ally. I was wrong! It was a dead end! Now I'm cornered with 4 fairly large men blocking my exit. 'GREAT!'


Before I knew it I was getting beaten up like a nerd in high school. I had gotten some good hits to the face. I was kicked in the abdomen multiple times, knocking the wind straight out of me. They had me on the ground and I was unable to get up due to all of the blows. I continued to try to get up, but I just couldn't. The force they used was just too strong and I was just continuously knocked to the ground.

"YAAA!" I groaned in pain, clenching my teeth.

Although I pleaded with them to stop, they continued their assault.

"HEY!" I heard a man shout grabbing both mine and their attention. "GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HIM!" the men continued to shout. He rushed over with one other man. They both hand black pants and black shirts on.

I guessed that they were bouncers from a nearby club. The two bouncers pushed the men off me and helped me up. "Thanks... for the... help." I slurred out trying to walk off but failed. Everything was spinning slowly, and I started to fall. Thankful the bouncer caught me.

I tried walking off again but this time the bouncer wouldn't let me leave. "You are clearly too unstable to walk around and I can't have you going around picking fights." He said stopping me from leaving. I struggled to break free and walk off, but I wasn't stable enough, so I gave up.

The incident attracted quite a few people, "Jaebum?" A deep voice called out to me. I slowly looked up at him since head hurt quite a bit and I didn't want to make any fast movements. "Hey," I said with a questioning voice. He looked familiar, but I couldn't quite remember where I knew him from.

 He looked familiar, but I couldn't quite remember where I knew him from

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"I'm Taehyung, Jinyoung's friend. What happened?" He continued. Ahh, that's where I knew him. I had seen him with Jinyoung a couple times.

"I got jumped." I simply replied. He nodded in response. "Give me a second. I'll be back." He said as I nodded in reply.

It looked like he called someone on the phone. I overheard some of the conversation and it sounded like they were arguing and this subject of argument was me.


Wonder who he is arguing with......

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