Chapter 1

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9 months later...

Johnny's pov.
We decided to go to the beach, me, Rain, Aiyana, dad and our friends. Aiyana is 9 months old now, i did'nt even realise how quick she grew. We reached the beach and got out of our cars. A gentle breeze touched my face as i glanced at the sea. I still remember the night Rain was attacked by Amadahy... It was a nightmare for me.. C'mon Johnny, that was before. It won't happen again. "Now, kids, don't go too far into the water-" Rosita was cut off by her piglets cheering and run to the sand near the water, making her sigh. Rain took Aiyana out of the car as i took out our stuff. We all chose our spots and got settled. Gunter was playing with the kids, Rosita gave a sandwich to Norman, her husband, Ash took a nap with her earbuds in her ears, Meena was playing volleyball with her family, Mr. Moon and Eddie were swimming, Miss. Crawly was sunbathing, my dad also took a nap and i took my clothes off to reveal my black swim trunks. Rain took off Aiyana's dress before taking off hers, revealing their swimsuits, i chuckled at Aiyana, cause she looked so cute. Rain looks at me and smiled. "What so funny?" She asked. "Nothing, just thinking about how cute you two look" She blushed and whispered. "N-not in front of Aiyana. I laughed and kept making her blush by my flirting words.

Author's pov.
Aiyana crawled to the water as her parents were distracted. She stared and slowly struggled to get up on her feet, taking her first steps. The little girl giggled and ran back and fell on the soft sand as the water tried to reach her.
She turned to the water as it was going back, revealing a beautiful sea shell. She stood up again and walked over to it and picked it up. The water got back again, revealing another one.
She kept picking as the water got back, struggling to stay on her littlefeet. Aiyana looked up and watched in awe as the sea creatures swim.
She saw something rising to see a beautiful woman, the guardian, Amadahy.
Aiyana tilted her head curiously as the woman did the same, she then held out her hand made of beautiful, clear water. Aiyana reached and giggled.
The guardian gave her a warm smile and played with her curly hair gently. Until they heard a voice.
"Aiyana!" Amadahy quickly turned her hair back to normal and brought her back to the sand, which made Aiyana end up falling on her butt.
The little girl looked at her confused but smiled and waved to say goodbye.
The woman waved back and disapeared back into the sea... Johnny's eyes fell on his baby daughter and sighed in relief, rushing to her and picking her up. "Aiyana, what are you doing here all alone? It's dangerous near the water" Johnny said and turned to walk back as Aiyana pointed to the water behind him. "Bo, Dada" Aiyana tried to tell something. "I know how much you like the water, Princess. But i promise, i'll let you play there when you're old enough, okay?" Johnny smiled and Aiyana giggled as they reached their spot. Rain got up as soon as they reached her and sighed. "Where was she?" She asked. Aiyana giggled and reached for her mom. Johnny chuckled and her to Rain and said "She was playing with the water" Rain widened her eyes, then calmed down. "Thank god..." "Looks like Aiyana's not gonna stay away from the water like her beautiful mother, is she?" Johnny said as he kissed Aiyana's nose, which made her giggle. Rain blushed and rolled her eyes playfully. "Geez..."

Yuuussshhhh!! Finally!!

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