chapter 1 (rules)

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The pre-game conference will consist of each captain meeting with the umpire before the game to go over ground rules.

Scoresheets must be filled out before the game.

Pitching Regulations

The pitcher must take a position with both feet firmly on the ground and with one or both feet in contact with the pitcher's plate.

The pitch starts when the pitcher makes any motion that is part of his/her wind up. His/Her arm must come to a rest holding the ball in front of his/her body, with a pivot foot in contact with the pitcher's plate. This position shall be held for at least 1 second and not more than 10 seconds. He/She must deliver the ball on the first forward swing to the pitching arm past the hip. There must be no reserve stopping of the forward motion.

The pitcher shall not deliberately stop, roll, or bounce the ball while in the pitching position in order to prevent the batter from striking it.

The pitcher shall not at any time during the game be allowed to use tape or other substances upon the ball, the pitching hand, or fingers. Under supervision of the umpire, powder resin may be use to dry the hands.

The pitch must be delivered with an arc between six and ten feet.

"NO PITCH" shall be declared when: 1) The pitcher pitches during a suspension of play, 2) The runner is called out for leaving the base too soon, 3) The pitcher makes a quick return pitch, 4) The ball slips from the pitcher's hand during the windup or backswing, or 5) The pitching arc is lower than 6 feet or higher than 10 feet.

At the beginning of the game or when a pitcher relieves another, no more than 5 pitches may be used as a warm up. Only 3 pitches will be allowed between innings. Play shall be suspended at this time.

Intentional walks may be made by informing the plate umpire, no pitches are necessary.



Each player of the side at bat shall become a batter in order in which his/her name appears on the scoresheet.

The batter shall not hinder the catcher from fielding or throwing the ball by stepping out of the batter's box, or intentionally hindering the catcher while standing within the batter's box.

Members of a team at bat shall not interfere with a player attempting to field a foul fly ball.

A strike is called by the umpire for each legally pitched ball hitting the strike zone mat and the batter does not swing, and for each pitched ball swung at and missed by the batter. This includes pitches the umpire has already declared "NO PITCH".

A ball is called by the umpire for each pitched ball which does not hit the strike zone mat or touches the ground before reaching home plate and is not swung at by the batter, and for each illegally pitched ball.

A foul tip is a batted ball which goes directly from the bat to the catcher's mitt or hand and is legally caught by the catcher. The batter is not out unless the ball goes above the batter's head before being caught or it is the third strike.

The batter gives up all rights if he swings at an illegal pitch.

If an Extra Player (EP) is used, all 11 on the starting line-up must bat and any 10 of those 11 may play defense.

Only ASA approved slow pitch softball bats are allowed in league and tournament play.  Baseball bats are illegal, and if a team is found using one the player(s) found using the bat will be ejected.

When an over the fence homerun is hit, the batter and all base runners may go directly to dugout. Appeals for runners missing a base are not allowed. This speeds up the game as batters and runners do not have to run the bases.


Protests shall not be received or considered if they are based solely on a decision involving the accuracy of judgement on the part of an umpire.

The Supervisor on duty must be notified at the time of the protest.

A formal protest must be written and turned into the Intramural Office within 24 hours after the game, but no sooner than 6 hours after the contest. See Intramural Recreational Sports Handbook for more details.

Balls and Strikes

4 balls constitute a walk.

3 strikes constitutes an out (strike out).

If the batter has a foul after receiving the second strike, the batter is out.

Each batter will start with a 1 ball/1 strike count.

Player Conduct

Anyone involved in a fight will be suspended for the remainder of the softball season and possible further disciplinary action, if necessary.

Any player ejected from 2 games in the season is suspended for the remainder of the season and possible further disciplinary action, if necessary.

Any player pushing, shoving, disrespecting, etc. an umpire will be ejected from the game. Refer to the Intramural Recreational Sports Handbook for further penalties.

Softball RulesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon