Chapter 1

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We were trapped.

The wind whipped hard on our faces and the air was thin from up here. Our original plan was to head down towards the river, but that backfired quickly. Instead we were at the top of the mountain with at least 30 men on our tails.The clouds covered most of the sunlight as well as the land below. However, we were still hundreds of feet above ground.

"Well we're fucked." he said.

There had to be a way out. Everything pointed towards here. So how were we gonna...

The edge.

"Jump." I mumbled.

"Sorry what?"

I looked at him, "We have to jump."

"You do realize where we are right? The top of a mountain. Not sure if you know this, but most people don't survive that."

There was shouting coming from tunnel. At best we had a minute before they started shooting.

"I know-"

"Then why did you even suggest-"

"Look! Just... trust me. We'll make it."

The shouting was coming closer. If we wanted to make it out alive, we had to jump now.

He sighed, "Okay."

I motioned for us both to take several steps back. Then we both ran back before sprinting towards the cliff.

"One!" I shouted.

"Two." the edge was coming closer.


Jackson leaped out of bed and landed face first on the carpet.

It would've been funny if it weren't the first time.

It took a good minute for Jackson to get his bearings, but once he did, he quickly remembered that he wasn't on top of a mountain but in his dorm room. It looked to be early morning; still dark but the sun could be seen rising in the distance.

"The hell?" Jackson's roommate, Mark mumbled.

"Sorry." Jackson whispered.

Mark gave Jackson an exasperated glare before going back to sleep. Jackson knew he wasn't gonna be so lucky and decided to get an early start to the day. It was better to be up now than having to deal with six other people who are all trying to rush to the bathroom to get ready. Jackson had a full day of photoshoots, dance practice, and radio appearances for Got7's recent comeback. And that in it of itself leaved no room for basic needs like peeing more than once a day. Once in the shower, his body finally relaxed after waking up so abruptly. Yet there was still an undercurrent buzz beneath his skin.

So not a dream then. Jackson thought.

Jackson had a feeling that something was coming. It was sort of a sixth sense he had, only he barely benefited from it. It sucked when that tick had come right at the start of his bands album release but that he couldn't control. Everytime something bad happened, Jackson would get a niche at the base of his spine and a tight pressure on his chest days; even months before it occurred. Most of them came with blurred dreams of the incident. And it wasn't even like a him breaking a bone, a flight being delayed, or Coco eating up his shoes (that would've been nice to know), but more extreme things like a hole opening up in the sky in New York, and a murderous robot tearing through Seoul (The chinese man all but begged his fellow bandmates to stay inside that day and good thing they did). Some of the dreams didn't even make sense to him. One was of a firework display in space, while the other was of a kid being crushed under debris. All of them felt important to Jackson in some way, he just couldn't figure out why.

Departure Act I: Fly [Got7/Avenger Crossover]Where stories live. Discover now