Chapter 6

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"Again!" he crowed.

A blue light formed into my hands and I threw it at a tree. There was a small explosion and a scorch mark from where the light hit it. I had been at it for hours now, but I couldn't stop.

"Woah!" Yan gaped. "How do you do that?"

I shrugged. I had been trying to copy a fighting stance from a cartoon the first time it happened. Since then I was able to bring it out at will.

"You're just like Goku! Can you turn super saiyan? Or a monkey?" He beamed.

"Ah, I'm not like that."

"You could be a superhero though! Fight bank robbers, evil wizards, and get a girl to fall in love with you."

I frowned, "Girls are icky."

"Yeah. But all the heroes get one. And you need a cover so no one will know your secret identity."

"Maybe a fencer like my daddy. I'd be a champion but no one will no it's me."

"That's brilliant!" Yan trilled. "Wang Jiaer: fencer by day, superhero by night. Scared of girls all the time."

"Yah!" I punched him playfully.

"Hey foreigner!" Both of us froze.

A group of kids had rolled up on us. They all went to our school, but they constantly picked on Yan because he wasn't from China.

"Did you figure out how to read yet?" One of them teased.

"I know how to read Xun." Yan retorted.

"Then what's this say?" he held up a book and pointed at a word.

"It says rat."

"Good. Cause that's what you are foreigner."

"My mom says people from his country don't properly clean themselves." A girl added.

"So you're a filthy rat too!" The boy pushed Yan.

"Leave him alone." I pushed him back.

"Or what?"

"Or he'll use his powers on you!" Yan yelled.

The group laughed.

"What powers huh? Show em to me." The boy shoved.

"Stop it."

"C'mon show me."

"Back off." he kept shoving.

"Show me you're powers Wang."

"I said back off!" I shoved him back.

The boy fell to the ground and screamed. His right arm was bleeding as he clutched it in pain. He started to cry. I looked down at my hands and saw that there was also blood on them. The other kids stared at me in horror.

Departure Act I: Fly [Got7/Avenger Crossover]Where stories live. Discover now