Chapter 9

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Natasha wasn't exaggerating when she said that there was a citywide search for Jackson. As soon as the three stepped foot in the closest police station, over a dozen cops swarmed him; checking for major injuries and asking several questions about where he'd been. Natasha quickly silenced them, and began spinning her tale about what happened in the last few days. The assassin left out a few details and added her own, but by the time she was done, it was believed that Jackson was kidnapped for ransom by the local gang, while Tony was taken for reasons unknown; but both kept in separate locations.

"Why not say that we were kidnapped together?" Jackson asked as his shoulder was being bandaged by Natasha.

"Cause if we say that, there's a likelihood that brings up a prior association between the two of you." She mumbled. There were officers a few feet away, not looking at them, but close enough to protect Jackson if need be.

"And you really don't wanna be associated with me kid." Tony added.

"Technically I was, and I do. I wouldn't have gotten out of there without you, so don't sell yourself short."

"Either way you're all set."

"Us, on the other hand have got a power hungry secretary to take down." Tony stood from his seat.

"Wish I could see his face when you walk in that room."

"I'll make sure to send you pictures." Tony smiled fondly.

Jackson felt pressure on his chest. Only this time, he knew it had nothing to do with another vision. It felt weird to miss someone he'd only met 3 days ago, but he knows Tony's secrets, and Tony knows his.

"Good luck Tony." Jackson said softly.

The two Avengers strided towards the door of the police station, when Tony stopped.

"Jackson." He called.


"You're a lot stronger than you think." Tony said.

"Thank you." He replied and the heroes where out the door.

"Didn't take you to give motivational quotes." Natasha mentioned.

Tony shrugged, "He needs it. Besides, if the whole boy band thing doesn't work out for him, he can always join us."

"Jackson as an Avenger?" The assassin inquired.

"With enough training."

"He seems good with being an Idol. I doubt he'll ever consider being a superhero."

"Well you never know. Anything's possible."

"When it comes to you, that phrase is a little bit more terrifying than it should be." Natasha stopped in front of a black corvette.

"Gosh Nat, you always know just the right words to make me feel better."

"I miss you too Tony." She smirked.

Tony wasn't gonna lie, he missed the Black Widow as well.

"Ready to make an entrance?" Tony opened the car door for her.


Tony sat back in his seat; a bit more relaxed now that he was safe. Kidnappings weren't new, but it was still taxing on the Avenger. However he couldn't deny that meeting Jackson might've been the best thing to happen to him in the past month. Tony had a feeling that this wouldn't be the last time the kid was gonna be involved in some crazy stuff. Save for his friend Mark, he probably doesn't have anyone to talk to about this on a daily, and not to mention anyone who can teach him how to control his powers, and-

"Is F.R.I.D.A.Y connected to your car by any chance?"

"Yes I am boss." The A.I. announced. "Is there anything you need?"

"Is there any chance that you can give me the phone number for one Jackson Wang?"

"I currently can't due to the number being disconnected, but once a new one is set up, I will send it to you immediately."

"Thanks Fri." Natasha raised an eyebrow. "What? I told him I'd send him pictures."

Natasha shook her head.

"It's good to have you back Boss." F.R.I.D.A.Y chirped.


It took Jackson a week to get back home to Seoul (his mother was insistent on not letting him out of her sight when she saw him at the station), and even then, his whole group smothered him with hugs, punches (Jinyoung), and several questions about what happened. Jackson managed to escape interrogation by his friends by feigning tiredness, but Mark looked at him expectantly. It wasn't till a few hours later, that Mark stepped into their room and sat next to Jackson on his bed; resting his head Jackson's shoulder.

"Jinyoung says you're not allowed to leave the dorm ever again." Mark mumbled. "I agree with him."

"We have schedules to keep up with Mark."

The elder merely made a disgruntled noise. The two sat in silence for a bit, when something lit up and vibrated under Jackson's pillow.

"What's that?"

Mark pulled out the phone under the cushion, "New phone since you're old one was stolen. Can't believe I couldn't tell that wasn't really you over the phone."

"Don't worry about."

"Anyway, this is yours but I'm not sure who's texting you, considering I didn't put any contacts in yet."

Jackson peered at the phone, and cackled at the message sent:

From Unknown Number:

Told ya I'd send pics.

Attached was an up close image Secretary Ross in chains. It was a different picture than what the news had been showing, and it showed Ross scowling at the camera.

"Why is that so funny?" Mark was confused at why the Hong Kong native was so enthralled by the photo.

"It uh, has something to do with my abduction." Jackson calmed down.

"Are you gonna tell me what really went down?" Mark heard the story from 3 different people, but knew that there was more to it than anyone else realized.

Jackson sighed, "Before I can even get into that, I have to tell you about everything else."

"I know that the visions had something to do with this Jackson."

"Not just that Mark. I mean everything." Jackson clarified.

This took Mark by surprise. He thought that the younger was an open book when it came to his powers. But apparently there was more to it. Nevertheless, he promised Jackson when he first found out about his psychic dreams that he'd be there for him. So whatever else there was to him, Mark was with him all the way.

"Alright then," Mark laid back on the bed, "From the beginning then."

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