Marvin and Whizzer

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So this happens during In Trousers

Marvin is cast in Ms. Goldberg's play about Christopher Columbus and a cute tech member catches his eye.

Warnings: swearing, mentions of oral sex, boners, yeah yeah yeah blah blah, we know just give us our boys.

"Alright, children! Settle down. I will be handing out scripts." Ms. Goldberg's voice rang out over the chatter. All of the cast members sat down in the auditorium and quieted.

"Let me just announce now, though most of you will be playing Columbus' men or native Americans, all roles are important." A variety of groans erupted in the room. "Silence!" Ms Goldberg hissed. The cast hushed again.

"Alright, if you are a Native American, come and get your script. Write your name and character's name on the cover so if you lose it, it will be returned to you." Most of the cast stood up and proceeded to the lip of the stage to retrieve their scripts. "If you are one of Columbus' men come get your script." The remainder of the cast-except Marvin-acquired their texts.

Ms. Goldberg held the one remaining script in the air. "And of course, our lead man, Marvin." Weak applause as Marvin went to get his script.

"Since all of you know what number Native American or Columbus' crew you are, it won't be hard to locate and highlight your lines. Take the next 20 minutes to do so."

Marvin planned to highlight his script at home, so he decided to go and bother the tech team. They were currently painting the background for the scene where Columbus is sailing on sea. He briefly reviewed each crew member to see which one he was to pester and flirt with. His eyes latched onto a boy who had dirty blonde hair that was gelled into curls. He was drawing in what seemed to be a fashion portfolio. He's the costume designer, Marvin thought. He wore a dress shirt, tucked into black pants. Real preppy, considering the fact that it wasn't a uniformed school. It was a bold style but I worked for him. He was cute. Cute face, cute hair, cute clothes. The boy stood up to show his designs to one of the set builders, giving Marvin a view of his figure from the back. Marvin's eyes drifted down.

Cute ass. He thought.

Marvin's hormones loved this kid. His mind filled with thoughts of kissing the boy against the wall of the dressing room. Of grabbing his ass while he took measurements for Marvin's costume. Of biting his neck until he would be forced to wear a turtleneck to school instead of his snobby dress shirts. Of leading the boy's head down to his crotch. Of the boy mouthing Marvin through his jeans. Of the boy insulting Marvin's jeans and telling him that they would look better on the floor. Of the boy looking back up at Marvin with cloudy eyes.

Marvin felt his jeans get tighter. He bit his lip and looked down.


Marvin hurried over to the boy and sat down with his legs to his chest, so the boy wouldn't see anything. "Hey." The boy had such a rich voice Marvin almost died right then and there. God, I could get off to his voice. "Hi. Whaddaya doing?" Marvin said quickly. Cute boy smirked and giggled at how eager Marvin was to talk to him. "Well, Mr. Feldman, I'm actually designing your costume right now." Holy shit call me Mr. Feldman again, that was hot. "Oh. Cool! Can I see it?" The blonde boy blushed and held his portfolio close to his chest. "No! It's not finished and it kinda sucks." Yeah, but what can you suck. Marvin was bold and put his hand on the boy's knee and looked into the boy's eyes. He got exactly the response he wanted. The blonde boy looked Marvin up and down then relaxed in his company. "I'm sure it's great." The costume designer bit his lip and gave the most sexy gaze Marvin had ever seen. "What's your name?" Marvin asked, wanting to go farther. "My friends call me Whizzer." Marvin took in a deep breath. "I'd like to call you baby." Marvin was really bold, but Whizzer seemed to like it. Whizzer caught on pretty soon. "You have a boner, don't you? What do you want?" Whizzer didn't ever break lustful eye contact with Marvin. "Anything, Whizzer. Please." Marvin whispered desperately. Whizzer looked away from Marvin and knit his eyebrows in deep thought. He then looked back up at Marvin with those goddamn bedroom eyes again. "I could probably do something, but we have to be quick. Okay, Columbus?" Whizzer smiled at his little joke and grabbed Marvin's hand. Marvin couldn't believe what he was hearing. Cute boy understood where Marvin was coming from, and wanted to help him! "Yes. Thank you, Whizzer." Marvin intertwined his and Whizzer's fingers, brought their hands to his lips and kissed Whizzer's hand gingerly. "It's no problem, Marvin."

Whizzer had given blowjobs to many closeted gay boys in the school, but Marvin was different. He was being so considerate and passionate, rather than crumpling money into Whizzer's hand, yanking him into a bathroom stall and shoving your dick into his mouth. Whizzer loved this genuine respect and passion Marvin was giving. He wanted more of it. Whizzer wondered if Marvin wanted more than just a blowjob.

The two boys entered the nearest bathroom and sat quietly. Marvin was leaning against the sink and Whizzer was a few feet away from him. Awkward silence for abit, then Whizzer spoke. "I thought you liked girls, Columbus." Marvin chuckled nervously. "I thought that too. But recently I found that girls just don't know how to love me, I guess." Whizzer giggled closed mouth and spoke again. "You've never done this before, huh?" Marvin's face reddened and he nodded. Whizzer stepped forward and tried to comfort him. He knew it was hard to find your identity. Especially when it was your sexual identity.

Whizzer traced along Marvin's jawline and his collarbone. Whizzer leant forward and peppered Marvin's neck with tiny kisses and small love bites. Whizzer pulled away much too quickly in Marvin's opinion. Brown eyes met blue ones and Marvin melted. "You're so pretty, my god." Whizzer chuckled at the compliment. "Compliment me some more and maybe I'll let you kiss me, Columbus." Marvin wasted no time. "Where do I begin? You have the most captivating eyes I have ever seen. Your smile could bring me death. I want to hear your voice every morning because it goes so well with coffee. Such a pretty boy, Whizzer is." Smitten giggles from the dirty blonde. "Thank you, Feldman." Whizzer pressed his lips to Marvin's and everything felt right. Marvin lifted the lighter boy, with his hands cupping his ass gently. Whizzer wrapped his legs around Marvin's back and his arms around Marvin's neck. His fingers tangled in Marvin's dark brown curls. They moved their lips together in sync, Marvin was in absolute bliss. Both of them pulled away for air, before Whizzer unwrapped his legs from Marvin and stood properly. The dirty blonde Whizzer caressed Marvin's face gently. Soothing him before Whizzer went far. Marvin melted into Whizzer's hands and fell helplessly for him. "You ready, Feldman?" Whizzer asked softly. Marvin nodded silently.

Whizzer dropped to his knees slowly and fumbled with Marvin's belt. (Which was a disgusting shade of brown.) He unbuckled it gently, not wanting to scare Marvin. But it was too late, Marvin was already terrified. He stared at the ceiling waiting for Whizzer to fix his problem. Once the belt was no longer on Marvin's person, Whizzer unzipped Marvin's pants and slid them down.

(Yo lets stop rite here hAhA.)

The two boys stumbled out of the bathroom with breathy laughs and flushed faces. Marvin cupped Whizzer's face and pressed a kiss to his forehead. "You're amazing. Thank you." Whizzer giggled in return. "It's really no problem."  Marvin started to turn towards the theater. Whizzer started to panic. "We should do this again." He blurted out. Marvin turned around and walked back to Whizzer. "If you wanna.." Whizzer looked at his shoes before Marvin tilted his face to see him directly. "I'd love that, Whizzer Brown."

"Marvin! There you are! You're in the first scene." Ms Goldberg bickered and Whizzer and Marvin entered the theater again.

Feel free to request Oneshots. Did ya like ur daily dose of whizvin? -Becca

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